Trail Project Milestone Reached: Design Submitted for WSDOT Review

In June 2023, the City Council accepted the Aubrey Davis Park Trail Safety Improvement Project design recommendation, and authorized the City Manager to finalize the design as presented by the Parks and Recreation Commission (see AB 6265).

Since June, City staff and the KPG Psomas design team have worked through details such as signage, lighting, and landscaping for the 90% design (there have been no substantial changes from the June recommendation). In December 2023, the 90% design of the trail was submitted to WSDOT for review. This is a major milestone for the project and precedes the issuance of permits for construction.

Paul West, Senior CIP Project Manager expects to bid this project in late winter for construction in summer 2024. Access to the trail and ballfields may be restricted at times during construction. Please comply with detours and closures as posted.

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