News for the Week of August 23
News highlights for the week of August 23.
Latest Numbers. In Mercer Island, there have been 765 positive cases reported as of August 26. DOH reported a total of 491,869 confirmed cases as of August 25. There have been 6,471 COVID-19 deaths in Washington. For the latest city and county data, click here.
All About Home Testing. It’s easier than ever for people who buy home tests to report their own results. Click here to learn about which tests are best, how to report, and what to do when you get your result.
New COVID-19 isolation and quarantine calculator. Have you tested positive for COVID-19, had close contact with someone who has COVID-19, or do you have COVID-19 symptoms? The County has a new calculator to help you determine how long you need to isolate or quarantine and any additional precautions based on your specific situation. View tool at
King County first large county to reach 70 percent with one vaccine dose across all age and racial groups; more than 3 million doses countywide. More than 70 percent of all age groups 12 and older and across all race and ethnic groups in King County have received at least one dose of COVID-19, the first large county in the nation to reach this milestone. More than 3 million doses have been administered countywide. Continue reading.
Comirnaty Vaccine. On Monday, the FDA issued a Biologics License Application (BLA) to Pfizer-BioNTech for their COVID-19 vaccine for adults 16 and older. The vaccine, regularly referred to as the Pfizer Vaccine has been renamed Comirnaty (Koe-mir'-na-tee). Clinical trials will continue throughout the rest of 2021 and through 2025.
Situation Reports. Click here to catch up on the latest information and reports.
Vaccine News
Local Vaccination Summary. As of August 26, the County reports that 93.3% of Mercer Island resident ages 12-and-up, have completed a vaccine series. Countywide, 83.4% of residents have had at least one dose and 77.2% of King County residents have completed their vaccine series.
Need transportation to get your COVID-19 vaccine in King County? Call the Coordinated Vaccine Transportation Helpline at 425-943-6706 (press 5 for language access) or go to, to find the ride that best fits your needs!
King County COVID-19 Vaccine Data At-a-Glance. Page updated daily here.
Need vaccine support? Call the DOH support line 1-833-VAX-HELP for assistance.
School News
In this stressful back to school season, use “layers” of precautions to keep everyone safe. Back to school often comes with feelings of nervousness and anticipation. However, families may feel even more nervous and concerned this year, because the COVID-19 Delta variant is circulating. From school requirements to precautions we all can take, click here for information on what we can do to help ensure the safety of schools.
COVID-19 information pages are no longer updated.
See the CDC's COVID website for current information and trends.