News for the Week of August 30
News highlights for the week of August 30.
Latest Numbers. In Mercer Island, there have been 795 positive cases reported as of September 3. DOH reported a total of 512,162 confirmed cases as of September 1. There have been 6,643 COVID-19 deaths in Washington. For the latest city and county data, click here.
King County requiring masks at large outdoor gatherings. Public Health – Seattle & King County has issued a Local Health Order requiring face masks at any outdoor event with 500 or more people in attendance. This requirement applies to all vaccinated and unvaccinated people, 5 years of age and older. Read more here.
Situation Reports. Click here to catch up on the latest information and reports.
Vaccine News
Local Vaccination Summary. As of September 2, the County reports that 93.7% of Mercer Island resident ages 12-and-up, have completed a vaccine series. Countywide, 84.1% of residents have had at least one dose and 77.9% of King County residents have completed their vaccine series.
COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough report. DOH provides data and criteria on fully vaccinated people who test positive with COVID-19 and may or may not develop symptoms. 21,757 vaccine breakthrough cases have been identified in Washington State between January 17, 2021 - August 21, 2021. Read the full September 1 report.
King County COVID-19 Vaccine Data At-a-Glance. Page updated daily here.
Need vaccine support? Call the DOH support line 1-833-VAX-HELP for assistance.
School News
Testing programs ramp up as students return to school. COVID-19 testing at schools is a crucial way to track and prevent disease spread, so DOH has partnered with the Health Commons Project to provide districts with end-to-end testing support, including a testing strategist to help develop the best strategy and tools. Read the full news release.
Back to School Tips. King County has recommendations for keeping kids safe as they head back to school. Click here to learn more.
COVID-19 Reporting
COVID-19 long-term care report. As of Aug. 30, a total of 22,094 COVID-19 cases and 2,759 deaths have been identified as associated or likely associated with a long-term care facility (such as nursing home, assisted living facility, or adult family home). These cases include residents as well as employees and visitors. Read the full August 31 report.
New King County Data Dashboard. The County as created a new data dashboard that tracks COVID-19 risk for unvaccinated people compared to vaccinated people. Click here to see the dashboard.
COVID-19 information pages are no longer updated.
See the CDC's COVID website for current information and trends.