Update on City Facilities and Programs

Updated COVID-19 protective measures at City facilities.
Earlier this fall, the City announced that it has adjusted operations and reallocated resources to best support City services and protect the community’s health.
Given increased COVID-19 transmission and breakthrough cases pose specific challenges to essential City operations, including personnel shortages due to exposure or infection, City Hall will remain closed to the public and Council, board, and commission meetings will remain virtual. Most City operations that were traditionally conducted at City Hall (such as permitting, bill payments and public meetings) have been operating virtually since early last year and will continue to do so.
Here's the latest information on programs, events, and general reopening:
Available Events and Programs
- Illuminate MI
- MICEC Art Gallery
- Boat Launch
- Picnic Area Reservations
- Athletic field rentals
- Outdoor fitness class permitting
- P-Patch Garden
- Park Special Event Permitting
- Thrift Shop
- Drop-in Sports at MICEC
- Outdoor Recreation Programs
Closed City Facilities
- City Hall (except Court)
- Luther Burbank Admin Building
- Fire Stations not open for drop-in visits (unless emergency)
Public Meetings Still Virtual
- City Council and Board and Commission Meetings continue to be held virtually. Anyone interested in participating in a public meeting and/or providing public comment should visit https://www.mercerisland.gov/meetings to learn how to participate.
Last updated: December 9, 2021
COVID-19 information pages are no longer updated.
See the CDC's COVID website for current information and trends.