Mask-Giving Day!
As COVID-19 cases and infection rates spike, the City’s trained Emergency Volunteers are ready to help ensure all Islanders are able to Mask-Up for the Thanksgiving holiday and beyond!
The “Mask-Giving” giveaway will coincide with the upcoming Thrift Shop Donation day, this Saturday, November 21, at the Community and Event Center (MICEC).
From 10:00am to 3:00pm, volunteers will be assisting with donation traffic flow, while also handing out FREE masks to anyone who comes through the MICEC parking lot.
No need to donate to receive a mask, and walk-ups are welcome.
At last night’s online City Council meeting (see photo), the entire Council emphasized its support for using a mask, following the Governor’s latest guidance, and not gathering for Thanksgiving with people from outside the home.
COVID-19 information pages are no longer updated.
See the CDC's COVID website for current information and trends.