Metro Service Changes
Metro has made significant service reductions throughout the region.
Mercer Island’s Community Shuttle route #630, running between Mercer Island and Seattle’s First Hill medical community has been suspended.
Route #204 remains in service, providing North-South service between the MI P&R and the south end QFC shopping area. It is the only intra Island public transportation at this time. Route #240 is operating under the Saturday schedule (10 round trip runs) Monday-Saturday.
Metro has provided an interactive web tool that lists suspended and reduced routes as well as provides assistance finding alternate routes via public transportation. Click here for more information:
Metro has temporarily discontinues fare payments and has moved to rear door bus boarding except for passengers with mobility challenges.
Despite Metro’s service reductions, Access Paratransit is maintaining its traditional service area, hours, and days of service, and may be an option for riders with disabilities for whom fixed route is no longer available even though they are not currently certified for Access service.
Customers with disabilities who are no longer able to reach their essential destinations using fixed-route service can contact the Access Transportation Call Center at 206-205-5000 for assistance with both emergent and ongoing essential transportation needs.
- Customers with disabilities who have emergent transportation needs do not need to be currently certified for Access service.
- Those with an ongoing need for transportation will need to apply for Access service through our temporarily streamlined eligibility process.
For COVID-positive individuals who need to travel for medical care, Metro is currently working with Public Health to create a separate service using dedicated Access vehicles, bus bases, and drivers who have volunteered for the assignment. As we learn more, we will share that information with our customers and community partners.
Trailhead Direct Service slated to begin April 18 has been suspended at this time. This service provides access to trail heads during the busy outdoor hiking season.
COVID-19 information pages are no longer updated.
See the CDC's COVID website for current information and trends.