News for the Week of September 6
News highlights for the week of September 6.
Latest Numbers. In Mercer Island, there have been 820 positive cases reported as of September 10. DOH reported a total of 531,294 confirmed cases as of September 8. There have been 6,850 COVID-19 deaths in Washington. For the latest city and county data, click here.
King County working on vaccine verification requirements for some non-essential indoor business activities and other venues; would go into effect in October. King County is conducting outreach with business and community organizations to develop vaccine verification requirements for some non-essential indoor business activities and other venues. The requirements will go into effect at least five weeks after developed. Click here to read more.
Get a vaccine, exposure notifications, and testing. Use the DOH vaccine locator to find a vaccination site. Next, get WA Notify so you’ll know if you’ve been near another person who later tests positive for COVID-19. To get quickly and easily tested anywhere in Washington, visit the DOH COVID-19 testing locations page.
Situation Reports. Click here to catch up on the latest information and reports.
Vaccine News
Local Vaccination Summary. As of September 10, the County reports that 94.2% of Mercer Island resident ages 12-and-up, have completed a vaccine series. Countywide, 84.7% of residents have had at least one dose and 78.5% of King County residents have completed their vaccine series.
King County COVID-19 Vaccine Data At-a-Glance. Page updated daily here.
Need vaccine support? Call the DOH support line 1-833-VAX-HELP for assistance.
Last Call…
White House Announces Coming Vaccine Emergency Rule. As announced on Thursday, September 9, the U.S. Department of Labor will be developing an emergency rule to require all employers in the United States with 100 or more employees, to require that their workforce is fully vaccinated or that workers show a negative test at least once a week. Read more here.
COVID-19 information pages are no longer updated.
See the CDC's COVID website for current information and trends.