Final Environmental Impact Statement Issued
Aug 24, 2020 - The City's consultant, EA Engineering, Science and Technology, has completed the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the East Seattle School demolition. Environmental Impact Statements are a tool for identifying and analyzing probable adverse environmental impacts, reasonable alternatives, and possible mitigation for a given action. An EIS does not identify or “decide” on an outcome for the underlying action (here, the demolition permit applied for by the property owner), but rather analyzes and weighs the impact of various alternative actions. Alternatives analyzed in this EIS include: 1) demolition of the East Seattle School building with mitigation measures; 2) retention of the building; and 3) adaptive reuse of the building. The Final Environmental Impact Statement also responds to public comment received during the review process.
The issuance of the FEIS begins a 14-day appeal period, during which appeals on the adequacy of the FEIS can be filed. For more information, please see the Notice of Availability.