Construction Updates
9/5/24: Mass excavation as well as shoring and lagging installation are nearing completion. Installation of the Geopier ground improvements is continuing. Structural excavation for the tower crane footing and the stormwater vault is now underway.
8/14/24: Mass excavation, material export and shoring & lagging installation is continuing. Installation of tie-backs is 50% complete. Monitoring of the dewatering wells is ongoing. Installation of the ground improvements began today and is expected to continue for 6 weeks. This includes installation of the rammed aggregate piers ("geopiers"). Neighbors may experience noise and vibrations related to this work. An image of the geopier installation at the site is included below.
7/29/24: Installation of the dewatering wells is ongoing - 40% of the wells are now operational. Mass excavation and installation of shoring are underway. Work is expected to commence soon on installation of tie-backs.
7/16/24: Work on the Xing Hua site continues. Abatement and demolition of the structures is now complete. Tree removal is underway and demolition of remaining asphalt is expected to be completed this week, followed by installation of dewatering wells. The fence line is also being moved to the outer perimeter of the site. Mass excavation of the site will commence soon.