City Hall Facility Asbestos Discovery and Abatement
How was the asbestos discovered?
Staff visually identified broken floor tiles and flooring adhesive in the basement mechanical room, which had a similar appearance to other asbestos-containing materials previously abated in City Hall. Professional testing was then conducted which confirmed the materials were asbestos-containing on April 17, 2023.
The mechanical room houses one of the building’s two primary air handling units (AHU), a key component of the HVAC system. To ensure the safety of City staff and visitors, City Hall was closed immediately while further testing was conducted to determine if asbestos fibers were present in other areas of the facility.
Has any asbestos remediation been carried out yet?
Abatement, which is the removal of contaminated materials and equipment by a specialized contractor, has only been completed in a limited area of the basement of City Hall. Specifically, the basement mechanical room floor with asbestos-containing broken tiles and adhesive was abated by a licensed contractor in mid-May, however the HVAC system at City Hall remains unabated and inactive due to the subsequent expense and complexity of abating that system.
What would it cost to conduct asbestos abatement so City Hall could reopen?
The preliminary cost estimate to re-occupy City Hall is $10 million with an estimated timeline of nearly two years to complete the work. This cost estimate does not include full abatement costs or soft costs such as design, engineering, and project management costs.
Why is the cost of abatement and re-occupancy so high?
The work to re-occupy City Hall would include the required abatement of asbestos-containing floor tiles throughout the building, replacement of the HVAC hydronic and ventilation system, and the replacement of various building infrastructure required by replacement of the HVAC system (ceilings, light fixtures, cabling, etc.).
Why can’t the HVAC system be abated (cleaned) instead of being fully replaced? What about portable or temporary systems?
Commercial HVAC systems are complex and must meet a variety of health and safety standards. Due to the intricate nature of the internal components of the HVAC air handling units, the presence of fiberglass batt insulation inside many of the system’s ducts, and the age and volume of dust build-up present throughout the system, it is not possible to clean and return the existing system to operation. The only option is a full retrofit replacement.
Portable systems are not a viable option as they do not meet current energy code requirements and would require extensive modifications to the building's existing electrical distribution system.
Won’t City insurance cover the asbestos abatement or replacement of the HVAC system and air duct system?
Insurance policies do not usually cover asbestos-related issues. In this specific case, the City’s insurance provider, Washington Cities Insurance Authority, specifically excludes claims arising out of or resulting from:
The use of asbestos in constructing any good, product or structure; or,
The removal of asbestos from any good, product or structure; or,
The manufacture, sale, transportation, storage or disposal of asbestos or goods or products containing asbestos.
This exclusion is not unique to the City’s coverage. The Washington Cities Insurance Authority provides insurance to many Washington cities.
City staff discovered the presence of asbestos in April. Why is this process taking so long?
Unfortunately, the asbestos contamination at City Hall is complex and cannot be easily identified or abated.
Initial testing, performed by an asbestos abatement contractor, focused on air quality throughout the building and identifying other asbestos-containing materials after the initial discovery of the broken floor tiles and adhesive. Following the initial testing, the City hired PBS Engineering and Environmental to advise staff, conduct more intensive testing, including air sampling, settled dust sampling, and bulk asbestos sampling.
Building conditions and limited accessibility to some areas and components of the mechanical systems of City Hall made a comprehensive survey of the HVAC system difficult and time-consuming. Field analysis found that many of the oldest ducts are encapsulated behind heavy plastic sheeting and fiberglass batt insulation and/or multiple layers of ceiling material. Accessing these areas for testing requires coordinated and costly deconstruction of multiple building systems including electrical, data, and low-voltage cabling, plumbing, ceiling grid, and insulation.
In conjunction with the targeted HVAC testing, a building-wide “Good Faith Inspection” was conducted on June 27, 2023, to detect, identify, and catalog any unknown asbestos-containing materials. The goal of the inspection was a full-building analysis, but the scope of the investigation was also limited due to the inaccessibility of much of the attic and roof structure of the building.
Why weren’t the staff aware that City Hall had disturbed asbestos?
City Hall was built in 1957 and has been repaired, renovated, and changed owners during its lifetime. The building contains many different construction materials from differing decades – it’s possible that the asbestos contamination within the HVAC system occurred prior to City ownership or during a renovation project in the late 1980s through early 1990s. It is unlikely that the basement floor tiles are the sole source of the asbestos found in the HVAC system.
Where have City staff been working since City Hall was closed in April?
The displacement of staff from City Hall has been challenging for City teams across all departments and workgroups. Many City administrative functions can be performed remotely, and those work teams have been working from home, from modified/shared workspaces in administrative areas of the Community Center, the Maintenance Building, and the Luther Burbank Administrative Building. Other functions such as Police Operations and Municipal Court require specialized facilities that are not easily replicated, and re-housing these services is the top priority.
Since June 2023, the Municipal Court has been utilizing City of Kirkland facilities for court days, and working from a conference room at the fire station on other work days. The Kirkland facility does not have enough capacity to house our staff and files, so another solution is needed. At the October 17, 2023 City Council meeting, the Council will review and consider an agenda bill approving an Interlocal Agreement and lease with the City of Newcastle to house Municipal Court operations. After an exhaustive search for temporary leased space, the City Manager is recommending leasing Newcastle Council Chambers for court proceedings and available office space in the Newcastle City Hall building for court staff offices.
Staff are also working to address the impacts to the Police Department and are in the process of implementing a plan to place temporary modular facilities in the City Hall parking lot for short-term support of police operations. Staff will brief the City Council on the work to re-house the Police Department at a future City Council meeting.
City staff remain hard at work and most public services continue to be available as normal. More than 80% of City employees are working and delivering services on Mercer Island daily. For information about how to reach City staff or about specific City services, please click here.
Moving City Hall to Another Facility
The Mercer Island Community and Event Center (MICEC) is a large facility. Why can’t the City Hall staff and police relocate there?
City staff have identified critical operations that can be performed from the Community Center, including shared workspaces for displaced City staff, and soon, the location of City Council meetings and the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). However, staff remain mindful of the need to preserve the use of the Community Center for existing programming that serves the community and generates crucial revenue for the facility. The Community Center would not be a suitable long-term solution due to the many programs and services the facility provides for the community.
Can City Hall staff relocate to the Community Center Annex Building?
The Annex Building houses a daycare provider, who holds a current lease for the space. This building is included in the City’s Long Range Facilities Plan project and options for its future use will be evaluated as work progresses.
What about the Tully’s building? Can City Hall staff or Police move into that space, since the City owns it?
The City has engaged architecture firm Northwest Studio to conduct facility conditions assessments at several City facilities, including the former Tully’s building. In its current condition, the former Tully’s building it is not suitable for occupancy and cannot be used to mitigate the impacts of the City Hall closure.
The City Council was scheduled to discuss the future use of the former Tully’s property this fall, but the closure of City Hall has led to reprioritization of many work items. It is anticipated the City Council will discuss the future use of this property sometime in 2024.
Why hasn’t the City rented a different building or space on Mercer Island for City Hall?
The City’s project team is conducting an exhaustive search for alternative facilities on Mercer Island to address the closure of City Hall. The search is challenging, however, as the City has unique functions like Police and Municipal Court that require specialized facilities to meet safety, security, and public access requirements. Unfortunately, there are few spaces on Mercer Island suitable to meet these needs. In addition, the cost of leasing space and anticipated tenant improvements to house the City’s specialized operations must be carefully considered.
Long-Term Facility Planning
Many of the City’s facilities are aging, what is the plan to replace them?
It’s true that other City facilities, in addition to City Hall, are aging and in need of renovations, safety upgrades, and various other improvements to meet current standards. In early 2023, the City began working on Facilities Conditions Assessments to guide future investment decisions for City facilities and the development of a Long-Range Facilities Plan. These assessments include Mercer Island City Hall, the Public Works Building, the Mercer Island Community and Event Center Annex Building, the Luther Burbank Administrative Building, the Mercer Island Thrift Shop building, and the former Tully’s Building. A second phase will include Facility Conditions Assessments for Fire Station 91, Fire Station 92, and the Mercer Island Community and Event Center.
The assessments will be used to prioritize a comprehensive plan to maintain, repair or replace these buildings to ensure City facilities can deliver municipal programs and services for the next 50 years.
Has the City considered selling the City Hall property? What about relocating to Town Center?
The City will consider a wide range of options that will result in a responsible, efficient, and sustainable future for City Hall operations. Northwest Studio and Heartland, the City’s Real Estate Broker, will be assisting the City in evaluating these options. Community engagement on the long-term options to replace City Hall is anticipated in 2024.
Accessing City Services
Pay your utility bill online(External link) using Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or by electronic check from your bank account (checking or savings). You can also elect to receive paperless bills via e-mail. If you have detailed questions, please see Frequently Asked Questions below.
Drop your bill off in the white payment box in the Mercer Island City Hall parking lot (9611 SE 36th Street, Mercer Island, WA 98040).
Pay your utility bill by mail by sending a check or money order to Mercer Island City Hall, 9611 SE 36th Street, Mercer Island, WA 98040). Please include your account number on the check.
Pay by Phone is now available for utility bills. Make a payment (credit card or e-check) by phone or check your account balance 24/7 with our automated phone service. Have your account number ready and call 855-844-0085.
Via the payment portal (Invoice Cloud(External link)) link listed in your invoice or communication from our Permit Services Team.
Drop your check payment off in the white payment box in the Mercer Island City Hall parking lot (9611 SE 36th Street, Mercer Island, WA 98040). Please indicate your permit # on the check.
Mail your completed application(External link) and payment to Mercer Island City Hall, 9611 SE 36th Street, Mercer Island, WA 98040). Permits will be sent via return mail after processing.
Drop your bill off in the white payment box in the Mercer Island City Hall parking lot (9611 SE 36th Street, Mercer Island, WA 98040). Permits will be sent via return mail after processing.
Are City staff available? How do I answer questions or access services?
As always, for the quickest and fastest service, community members should contact the City of Mercer Island Customer Service Team. The City’s Customer Service Team can help answer your questions about services, such as service requests, pet licensing, business licenses, or parking permits during the closure of City Hall. The Customer Service Team can also assist you in getting connected to other teams as needed. They can be reached at 206-275-7600 or at customerservice@mercerisland.gov(External link) and are available Monday - Friday from 8:30am - 5:00pm, except for City-observed holidays.
I need to get a permit for my project. How can I do that with City Hall closed?
Permitting services are available online and permit staff can be reached remotely. This page answers most questions about types of permits and how to obtain them: Permit FAQ | Mercer Island, Washington(External link).
You may also contact the Community Planning and Development department at 206-275-7605 or epermit.tech@mercerisland.gov(External link).
I need to make a payment. How can I take care of that while City Hall is closed?
There are multiple options for remitting payment for City bills:
Mercer Island Utility Bills:
Permit Fees:
Parking Permits:
Pet Licenses:
The City’s Customer Service Team can help answer most of your questions about payment options and various licensing services during the closure and relocation of City Hall. The Customer Service Team can be reached at 206-275-7600 or at customerservice@mercerisland.gov(External link). Monday - Friday from 8:30am - 5:00pm, except for City-observed holidays.
How do I contact the Municipal Court?
All payments and filings must be sent to the Mercer Island Municipal Court mailing address at 9611 SE 36th St. Mercer Island, WA 98040. The secure drop-box located in the parking lot of City Hall can also be utilized to drop-off payments.
For any questions or further information please contact your attorney. If you are not represented, contact the Court at 206-275-7604 or court@mercerisland.gov(External link). Court hours are Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 4:00pm.
For all tickets and court cases that were issued before January 1, 2005 you must contact the King County District Court(External link), East Division at 206-205-9200.
I want to participate in City Council meetings. How do I do that with City Hall closed?
With the closure of City Hall and Council Chambers in April, the City Council returned to virtual meetings conducted online via Zoom and available to watch live on the City’s YouTube Channel (www.youtube.com/MercerIslandCouncil(External link)), and the City’s TV channel (MI-TV 21), as well as listening over the phone. The Mercer Island Community and Event Center (MICEC) has a meeting room available for anyone wishing to make public comment during the appearances portion of the meeting or to watch the meeting on screen.
Given the long-term nature of the City Hall closure, City staff are in the process of converting the Slater Room at the Mercer Island Community and Event Center into a Council Chambers. Staff anticipate the room will be operational and meetings will return to in-person status in late 2023.