News for the Week of August 31
Here are the latest headlines, resources, and information for the week of August 31.
Back to School Info & Resources. We recognize that the start to the 2020-2021 school year is a little different. Click here for information and resources from MISD, King County, the State and more.
COVID is Brutal. A survivor’s tale from the Washington State Department of Health.
New Study Shows Vaping Increases COVID Chances. As COVID-19 spikes among young adults, research shows vaping is associated with catching COVID. Click here to read the study and for resources.
Supporting Recovery Throughout the Pandemic. National Recovery Month is celebrated in the U.S. each September to promote access to recovery. YFS provides community-wide substance abuse prevention and mental health promotion services via the Healthy Youth Initiative. Click here for more information.
Extended! Summer Meals and Resources for Families in Need. On August 31, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will extend several flexibilities through as late as December 31, 2020. Click here for a list of several resources available to MI families.
King County Metro is "Ready When You Are" with new safety innovations and route changes. Metro is installing automated safety partitions between passengers and the driver and will be equipping over 100 buses with on-board dispensers to provide masks on the busiest routes. Follow this link for more information.
New analysis of COVID-19-associated deaths in King County. A new reportfrom Public Health—Seattle & King County provides information about the overall count of deaths associated with COVID-19 and the toll that the virus is taking on segments of our community.
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In case you missed it…
The following headlines and information were posted throughout the month of August.
King County dedicates $41 million to COVID-19 related rental assistance and eviction prevention. King County to provide over $41 millionfor eviction prevention and rental assistance that will help up to 10,000 households experiencing COVID-related economic challenges remain safe and stable in their homes.
COVID-19 Behavioral Health Toolbox for Families. Help your family cope with emotional responses to COVID-19 by learning how to recognize the signs of pandemic stress and knowing what actions to take.
New report shows COVID-19 cases hitting a plateau in some areas of Washington state
Isolation and Quarantine Assistance Through King County
FDA advises consumers not to use hand sanitizer products manufactured by Eskbiochem
Waiting for your COVID-19 test result? Here’s what you can do.
Why am I coughing? What to do if you have COVID-19 symptoms.
New Guidance for Long-Term Care Facilities
Washington state changes negative test reporting for COVID-19
COVID-19 information pages are no longer updated.
See the CDC's COVID website for current information and trends.