New Study Shows Vaping Increases COVID Chances
As COVID-19 spikes among young adults, research shows vaping is associated with catching COVID.
Recent state data show adults ages 20 to 39 represent a higher percentage of coronavirus cases than any other age group in the state. This comes as vaping among teens and young adults in our state has also skyrocketed, with nearly 30 percent of high school seniors saying they use vapor products.
A new study shows young people who reported ever having used e-cigarettes were five times more likely to test positive for COVID-19 than non-users.
Teens and young adults who want to quit vaping or smoking can get access to several resources in Washington state. In January, the state Department of Health (DOH) began offering This is Quitting, from Truth Initiative. This first of its kind, free teen-friendly texting program for quitting vaping, was created with input from teens and young adults who attempted or succeeded in quitting e-cigarettes. This is Quitting is tailored by age group to give supportive text messages and information about quitting vaping.
To enroll, teens and young adults can text VAPEFREEWA to 88709. Washington youth over the age of 13 can also call 1-800-QUIT-NOW to speak confidentially with a Quit Coach in English, Spanish, or receive support in more than 200 other languages.
On Island, our YFS outpatient mental health counselors and school-based counselors provide substance abuse intervention and referral. We encourage Mercer Island residents seeking services or information to connect with YFS via our confidential intake line at 206-275-7657 or or contact their child’s YFS school counselor directly. To learn more about how you can get involved with the Healthy Youth Initiative visit:
Read the full news release here.
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