Thursday Situation Briefings
Update: The May 28 Situation Briefing was the eleventh and final live briefing.
City Manager Jessi Bon will continue to update the community on City operations and coronavirus-related information via her City Manager Report at the beginning of each regular Council Meeting. The City Manager Report video and PowerPoint Presentation are available here. Also, the Let's Talk coronavirus pages will continue to be updated regularly. Continue to look for the latest updates in the MI-Weekly E-Newsletter and on the City's social media pages.
Links to all Thursday Situation Briefing videos and presentations are below.
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City Manager Jessi Bon hosted eleven live City situation briefings on Thursday afternoons from mid-March through May. City Manager Bon and leaders from the City as well as the City leadership team shared the latest information on the response to the coronavirus pandemic and City operations. Briefings were broadcast live on Thursdays via MITV-21 and the City's YouTube Channel.
May 28 - Video and PowerPoint Presentation
- This is the eleventh episode in the City's coronavirus video briefings.
Topics covered include: easing of restrictions on religious gatherings, update on fraudulent unemployment claims and steps to take to protect your identity, and other City updates.
May 14 - Video and PowerPoint Presentation
- This is the tenth episode in the City's ongoing series of live video conferences.
- Topics covered include: an update on the state's Safe Start, contact tracing, testing, and other City updates.
May 7 - Video and PowerPoint Presentation
- This is the ninth episode in the City's ongoing series of live video conferences.
- Topics covered include: an update on the state's Safe Start phased approach to opening and other City updates.
April 30 - Video and PowerPoint Presentation
- The eighth episode in the City's ongoing series of live video conferences will feature Police Chief Ed Holmes and Emergency Manager Jennifer Franklin.
- Topics covered include: Chief Holmes and Officer Franklin will provide an update on the easing of portions of the Governor’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” Order, information crime prevention, and other City updates.
April 23 - Video and PowerPoint Presentation
- We apologize for the technical difficulties with the live stream on the City's YouTube Channel. We will make sure that is corrected for next week's live briefing. You can watch the full, archived version here.
- The seventh episode in the City's ongoing series of live video conferences featured Mercer Island Community Fund Board Member, Sharon Perez and Small Business Liaison, Sarah Bluvas.
- Topics covered include: Sharon and Sarah shared the latest information on the WeLoveMI Campaign and resources for Mercer Island businesses, as well as other timely updates.
April 16 - Video and PowerPoint Presentation
- The sixth episode in the City's ongoing series of live video conferences featured Geriatric Specialist, Betsy Zuber and MI Emergency Management Volunteer Liaison, Dave Uhler.
- Topics covered include: Betsy and Dave shared the latest resources for Mercer Island seniors and City volunteer efforts, and other timely updates.
April 9 - Video and PowerPoint Presentation
- For the fifth episode in the City's ongoing series of live video conferences, City Manager Jessi Bon had Small Business Liaison, Sarah Bluvas and Interim Parks & Recreation Director, Ryan Daly join her in providing updates and information on small business resources and parks updates.
- Topics covered include: They shared the latest information and resources for local businesses, parks updates and etiquette review during the Governor’s Stay Home Order, as well as an update on City services.
April 2 - Video and PowerPoint Presentation
- The fourth episode in the City's ongoing series of live video conferences featured Officer Jennifer Franklin, the City's Emergency Manager.
- Topics covered include: Officer Franklin explained how the City’s Emergency Operations structure works, how the City executes incident coordination and procurement region-wide, emphasized social distancing mandates, and covered other timely topics.
March 26 - Video and PowerPoint Presentation
- The third episode in the City's ongoing series of live video conferences featured Dr. Hal Quinn, a board-certified physician practicing at Mercer Island Pediatrics. Dr Quinn also serves as the Medical Director on the City’s emergency response team and works closely with MIPD Emergency Manager Franklin on medical oversight and protocols for major City incidents.
- Topics covered included: Doctor Quinn shared his observations about the regional COVID-19 outbreak and suggest appropriate measures for parents and the community to consider during this unprecedented time; the City’s response to Governor Inslee’s “Stay Home” Order and impacts to City operations; updates from MIPD and MIFD; and a Community Call to Action (what you can do to help).
March 19 - Video and PowerPoint Presentation
- The second episode in our ongoing series of live video conferences to update the community on the City's coronavirus response and continued preparations for extended impacts featured Donna Colosky (MI School District Superintendent), Laurie Givan (Exec Director of the MI Chamber of Commerce), Cindy Goodwin (Director of the City’s Youth & Family Services Dept), Ed Holmes (Police Chief), and Steve Heitman (Fire Chief), will all join the briefing to provide updates and help answer questions from the community.
- Topics covered included: Police and Fire situation briefings; City service changes; Support for local business; New Public Health orders, and more.
City Manager Jessi Bon hosted a live video conference to update the community on the City's coronavirus response and ongoing preparations. The Police Chief, the Fire Chief, and the Director of Youth & Family Services joined the briefing to help answer questions from the community.
COVID-19 information pages are no longer updated.
See the CDC's COVID website for current information and trends.