Need Help Getting to Your Vaccine Appointment? Resources are Available!

Free and discounted rides are available for people who need assistance getting to their COVID-19 vaccine appointment.
Updated May 24
The Vaccine Action Command and Coordination System (VACCS) Center has partnered with Lyft, Uber, United Way Worldwide, Washington 211 and Sea Mar Community Health Centers to provide access to free and discounted rides to vaccine appointments for people with transportation challenges.
Between May 24 - July 4, Uber and Lyft are offering FREE rides to and from COVID-19 vaccination sites.
Safety is priority. As part of Lyft’s Health Safety Program and Uber’s Door-to-Door Safety Standard, riders and drivers are required to wear face coverings even when vaccinated, leave the front seat empty, and keep windows rolled down whenever possible.
People who face transportation barriers and need a ride to get a vaccine can call the state COVID-19 information hotline at 833-VAX-HELP and a hotline specialist will assist in coordinating the rides.
In March, VACCS launched its free vaccine transportation initiative in partnership with Sound Transit and Pierce Transit, which provide complimentary rides to anyone with a vaccine appointment.
Anyone in the state experiencing a transportation barrier preventing them from getting a vaccine is considered eligible for this offer while ride credits remain available from our generous partners.
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