Resources for the Week of March 15

Mercer Island Mobile Vaccine Teams. Last week, the Mercer Island Fire Department EMT’s started administering the COVID-19 vaccine to eligible Island residents. MIFD Mobile Vaccine Teams are assisting mobility-challenged residents or those who have experienced difficulties in securing appointments. Emergency Management staff have reached out to local long-term care facilities and adult family homes, but if you or a loved one (a resident over the age of 65) needs assistance scheduling a vaccine appointment, YFS Geriatric Specialist, Marjorie Carlson may be able to help. She can be reached at (206) 275-7752 or

Need a ride to get the vaccine? The vaccine is an important part of ending the COVID-19 pandemic. If you’re eligible in Phase 1B- Tier 1, you should get yours now! And if you have Apple Health (or Medicaid), you might even be able to get a ride there. Transportation barriers shouldn’t keep you from getting protected from COVID-19. Click here to learn more.

King County Household Assistance Request program updated. Do you and your family need financial support to successfully isolate or quarantine? Anyone living in King County who tests positive or is exposed to COVID-19 may be eligible to receive a one-time household bill payment of up to $1500 to help pay their current rent, mortgage, utility, water, phone and internet bills. See updates to eligibility to the program and how it works by clicking here.

Inslee announces extension of eviction moratorium. Gov. Jay Inslee announced that the statewide eviction moratorium will be extended through June 30. Read the full news release here.

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