Luther Burbank South Shoreline Restoration Project

In 2023, the City undertook the Luther Burbank South Shoreline Restoration Project, which will improve the trail along the lake. Some favorite destinations will be closed, including the fishing pier, the trail between the swim beach and the docks, and the access road between the waterfront and the meadow. Park visitors will be able to access the docks from the north by the playground. Project signage in the park will guide trail users during these closures.

With completion of the project, trail users will be able to walk from the docks to the swim beach on an all-weather accessible trail. The old, eroded trail that is being undercut by wave action will be stabilized with the addition of spawning gravels and tree sections anchored into the shoreline. The old trail surface will be replanted with native vegetation.

This project is part of the Luther Burbank Docks and Adjacent Waterfront Renovation and Upgrade. Click the link to learn more.

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