Luther Burbank Docks and Adjacent Waterfront Renovation and Upgrade

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The City's Public Works Department is planning to renovate the waterfront at Luther Burbank Park. Built in 1974, the docks and adjacent waterfront need major repairs to continue to provide the public with shoreline recreation. In particular, the fixed height piers are not useful for smaller boats and don't serve the needs of most current boaters or the City's boating programs.

The City is completing a design to:

  • Replace the south piers with floating docks for small (26' or less) power boats and non-motorized craft
  • Renovate the north pier
  • Expand the cobble beach and provide an accessible route to the ordinary high water level
  • Renovate the plaza with permeable paving, landscaping, furnishings and art
  • Install overwater stairs next to the Handsome Bollards to provide seating and contact with the lake
  • Stabilize the Boiler Building for continued boat storage and future reuse as a small craft boating facility
  • Renovate the restrooms and concession stand for boating programs
  • Construct a deck and railing on top of the restroom annex to provide space for viewing and passive enjoyment of the lake setting
  • Improve drainage across the site while minimizing impacts to the nearshore lake environment
  • Install a lake water intake and irrigation pump to irrigate the swim beach and Calkins Point

This work will use the Luther Burbank Park Master Plan to guide the design process. The plan provides a vision of a waterfront activity center centered around small boats including power, sail and paddlecraft. The design will also consider how to make the waterfront more accessible and attractive for the general public.

This project has received (so far) funding from the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Funding Board, The U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife, and King County Flood Control District. Washington State Department of Natural Resources leases the shorelands at no cost for public access to the waters of the State.

The City's Public Works Department is planning to renovate the waterfront at Luther Burbank Park. Built in 1974, the docks and adjacent waterfront need major repairs to continue to provide the public with shoreline recreation. In particular, the fixed height piers are not useful for smaller boats and don't serve the needs of most current boaters or the City's boating programs.

The City is completing a design to:

  • Replace the south piers with floating docks for small (26' or less) power boats and non-motorized craft
  • Renovate the north pier
  • Expand the cobble beach and provide an accessible route to the ordinary high water level
  • Renovate the plaza with permeable paving, landscaping, furnishings and art
  • Install overwater stairs next to the Handsome Bollards to provide seating and contact with the lake
  • Stabilize the Boiler Building for continued boat storage and future reuse as a small craft boating facility
  • Renovate the restrooms and concession stand for boating programs
  • Construct a deck and railing on top of the restroom annex to provide space for viewing and passive enjoyment of the lake setting
  • Improve drainage across the site while minimizing impacts to the nearshore lake environment
  • Install a lake water intake and irrigation pump to irrigate the swim beach and Calkins Point

This work will use the Luther Burbank Park Master Plan to guide the design process. The plan provides a vision of a waterfront activity center centered around small boats including power, sail and paddlecraft. The design will also consider how to make the waterfront more accessible and attractive for the general public.

This project has received (so far) funding from the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Funding Board, The U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife, and King County Flood Control District. Washington State Department of Natural Resources leases the shorelands at no cost for public access to the waters of the State.

  • Construction is Underway at the Boiler Building

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    Work has started on the Luther Burbank Boiler Building renovation project.

    The last week of February, the City’s contractor, Ferguson Construction, took control of the site, clearing brush around the building, standing up safety fencing, disconnecting electrical service, and installing project signs. They’ve made progress on the inside of the building – preparing the inside structure for new flooring, updated restrooms, and importantly, a new roof and seismic retrofits to stabilize the brick building and chimney.

    The first phase of this work requires a wide safety area around the building, including through the waterfront plaza area. During this period of work, pedestrian routes have been detoured. These detours will be in place throughout spring. The City’s contractor will reopen access through the waterfront as soon as it is safe to do so.

    Check out photos of the work in our Boiler Building Renovation Photo Library. Updated regularly.

  • Boiler Building Phase 1 Bid Awarded - Construction to Begin this Winter

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    At its January 2, 2024 regular meeting, the Mercer Island City Council awarded the bid proposal for Phase 1 of the Luther Burbank Boiler Building renovation project to Ferguson Construction (see AB 6380). The City Manager will now execute a contract with Ferguson and work will begin. The total cost of the contract is $2.5 million dollars.

    What to Expect

    As Phase 1 of the project moves forward, construction will begin in late winter this year and should be completed by the end of Q3* of this year. Here’s what park patrons should expect:

    • Installation of a new roof and seismic retrofits to stabilize the brick building and chimney,
    • Renovation of the boiler building restrooms, and
    • Construction of a new rooftop deck on the annex.

    The waterfront around the docks will remain open to the public but the area around the Boiler Building will be fenced off. There may be other restrictions to access periodically during construction.

    Future phases of the renovation will finish the interior of the building and provide direct, convenient access from the parking lot to complete the building's transition to a waterfront activity center for small craft boating programs.

    This Project is Made Possible By…

    The City has received a $513,000 grant from the Washington State Historical Society and $343,000 in grant funding from the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office which will help cover the cost of the renovations. Washington State taxpayers contributed to the design of this project through a Department of Commerce Grant.

    *This is an estimated timeline. Public agencies, contractors, and suppliers continue to experience shortages of materials and long lead times on critical items, such as structural steel, plumbing, and building materials.

  • Luther Burbank Boiler Building Bid Award

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    On January 2, 2024, the Mercer Island City Council will consider awarding the Luther Burbank Boiler Building Phase 1 project to Ferguson Construction (see AB 6380).

    If approved, Phase 1 of the project would see the installation of a new roof and seismic retrofits to stabilize the 1928 brick building and chimney, as well as renovate the restrooms and construct a new rooftop deck on the annex.

    The total cost of the contract is $2.5 million dollars. The City has received a $513,000 grant from the Washington State Historical Society and $343,000 in grant funding from the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office which will help cover the cost of the renovations.

    If the project is awarded, construction would begin in late winter 2024. The waterfront around the docks will be closed to the public periodically during construction.

    A future phase of renovation will finish the interior of the building and provide direct, convenient access from the parking lot to complete the building's transition to a waterfront activity center for small craft boating programs. Washington State taxpayers contributed to the design of this project through a Department of Commerce Grant.

  • Mercer Island Arts Council Recommends Art Elements for Luther Burbank Waterfront

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    On October 25, 2023, the Mercer Island Arts Council voted to recommend the plan for integrated public art elements for the Luther Burbank Park waterfront. The plan centers on the Mercer Island Medallions, 12 unique bronze pieces that highlight the natural and cultural history of Mercer Island, Luther Burbank Park, and the Lake Washington region. Artist Marsha Rollinger worked with City staff, the waterfront design team, and the Mercer Island community to design the medallions during summer 2023. Other coordinated elements include historic plaques and embellishments for the Boiler Building, the waterfront light pole, and a new informational kiosk.

    This public art project is funded by the City's 1% for Art in Public Places program and the Washington State Historical Society's Heritage Capital Project grant program. Rollinger was selected to develop the artwork following a competitive artist selection process that took place in early 2023.

    The new art elements will be installed in 2025 at the end of construction of the waterfront renovation. Once installed, community members will be able to learn more about the project and individual pieces through STQRY, the City's digital engagement platform for public art. Learn more about Mercer Island's public art collection at

  • Donate Waterfront Furnishings, Artwork and More...

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    Create a legacy at the waterfront! Opportunities to donate furnishings, artwork, and major site improvements are available this summer. Items include benches, tables, a drinking fountain, a kayak ramp, bronze medallions and a kiosk. Large site features such as a viewing deck, overwater platform and an elaborate terraced entrance to the waterfront are also offered. Scan the QR code to view items and make your donation today.

    Donations will be accepted through the fall. Installation of donated items will occur in late 2024 or early 2025 during the completion construction. Inquiries should be directed to Paul West, Senior CIP Project Manager at 206-677-1028.

  • Share your ideas for the Mercer Island Medallions public art project!

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    The City hired local artist Marsha Rollinger to create new public art for the Luther Burbank Park waterfront plaza. Help us make a SPLASH by sharing your ideas for Mercer Island Medallions, a set of 12 individual bronze pieces that will be inlaid in the new plaza pavement. Keep reading to learn more about how to share your ideas here on Let's Talk and at community events this summer.

    What input does the artist seek?

    Throughout summer 2023, Rollinger will gather community input to develop unique icons and phrases that represent different themes connected to Luther Burbank Park, Lake Washington, and the Mercer Island community. Themes include:

    • Local indigenous peoples' history
    • Human powered boat construction as an artform
    • Nautical themes
    • Local/regional geography and natural history
    • Mercer Island heritage/history at the site

    The resulting works of art will not only include interesting designs but will also highlight and educate viewers about Mercer Island's and the lake region's natural and cultural history.

    How do I share my ideas?

    Provide your ideas for medallion designs at a community event or here on Let’s Talk!

    Community Events: Rollinger and staff will participate in the following events to promote the project and collect feedback.

    Let’s Talk: Post photos, stories, poems, links, and more through the Share Your Ideas tool at

    How will my ideas be used?

    The artist will use community input to develop designs for 12 unique bronze medallions that will be inlaid in the pavement at the renovated waterfront plaza. Stay tuned to Let's Talk for updates on sponsorship opportunities, fabrication details, and more as this public art project progresses.

  • Art Proposed for Luther Burbank Waterfront

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    On April 19, the Mercer Island Arts Council selected artist Marsha Rollinger to design thematic bronze elements to be integrated with the planned waterfront improvements at Luther Burbank Park. This recommendation will be considered by the Mercer Island City Council on May 16.

    Conceptual examples of the art pieces to be designed for the Luther Burbank waterfront

    The Mercer Island Arts Council began considering the potential for additional art at this location in 2021. A Request for Proposals was released in January 2023. In April, Rollinger's submission won the endorsement of the Artist Selection Panel convened by the Arts Council. Her proposal integrates natural history and boating themes, and its placement throughout the waterfront plaza ties together the site's many features that improve shoreline access.

    Rollinger will start work on the project in May, pending City Council's approval. Look for chances to help design the final art pieces this summer at the Mercer Island Farmers Market and Summer Celebration!

  • Luther Burbank Waterfront Construction this Summer

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    Starting in April, access to the Luther Burbank waterfront will be limited because of two important construction projects.

    Luther Burbank South Shoreline Restoration Project

    The first is the Luther Burbank South Shoreline Restoration Project, which will improve the trail along the lake. Some favorite destinations will be closed, including the fishing pier, the trail between the swim beach and the docks, and the access road between the waterfront and the meadow. Park visitors will be able to access the docks from the north by the playground. Project signage in the park will guide trail users during these closures. With completion of the project, trail users will be able to walk from the docks to the swim beach on an all-weather accessible trail. The old, eroded trail that is being undercut by wave action will be stabilized with the addition of spawning gravels and tree sections anchored into the shoreline. The old trail surface (shown below) will be replanted with native vegetation. Construction of this project is completely funded by the following sources:

    • Proposition No. 1 Parks Levy through King County Parks and Recreation
    • King Conservation District
    • King County Wastewater Treatment Division
    • King County Flood Control District/WRIA 8.

    Boiler Building Stabilization

    The second project is to stabilize the Boiler Building and retrofit it for modern standards. This work starts up in August and will continue through the fall. The 1928 steam plant will get a new roof, seismic reinforcements, and masonry repairs. The restrooms will also be completely renovated. These improvements will allow boating programming at the waterfront to continue. This project will not restrict access significantly, but there may be times when the waterfront plaza is closed.

    The taxpayers of Washington State have contributed to the design of this project through a Department of Commerce Grant. A future phase of renovation will finish the interior of the building and provide direct, convenient access from the parking lot to complete the building's transition to a waterfront activity center for small craft boating programs.

    Follow along here on Let's Talk for the latest updates on both of these important projects.

  • Luther Burbank Waterfront Ranks Well for Funding

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    The City's applications to the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP) and Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account (ALEA) both received rankings that put them in position to be funded by the Washington State legislature. The WWRP application ranked second out of four in the Water Access category and the ALEA application ranked seventh out of ten. Together, these two grants would provide two million dollars for waterfront improvements.

    The next step is for the Recreation and Conservation Funding Board to recommend the project listings to the governor at its October 25 meeting. If that goes as planned, then the projects may be included in the Governor's proposed 2023-2024 budget in December. The legislature passes the budget in April/May 2023, and if all goes well the funding becomes available in July 2023.

  • City Applies for Waterfront Improvement Grants

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    The City has successfully applied to the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) for major grants to support improvements for the Luther Burbank Park waterfront. The grants from the Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account (ALEA) and Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP) would total $2 million if awarded. An additional $454,000 in grant funding will be sought this fall from the King County Flood Control District as match. The total estimate for this project scope is $3.2 million. This package is the cornerstone of the comprehensive waterfront improvements which include powerboat docks and the stabilization of the Boiler Building.

    The project elements covered under these grants include:

    • Site access paths and ramps
    • An expanded cobble beach
    • A non-motorized boating dock with a low freeboard float
    • Overwater stairs
    • Renovated restrooms
    • A viewing deck/outdoor classroom
    • Drainage and low-impact development
    • Furnishings, signs, lighting and landscaping

    These grant projects received support letters from the following organizations and individuals. Many thanks for the great show of support:

    • Friends of Luther Burbank Park
    • Mercer Island Chamber of Commerce
    • Mercer Island Community Fund
    • Mercer Island Historical Society
    • Washington Water Trails Association
    • Recreational Boating Association of Washington
    • Washington Kayak Club
    • Seattle Sea Kayaking Club
    • Seattle Adventure Sports
    • parent of paddle camp participant
    • parent of paddle camp participant
    • Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust

    The applications have been a multi-step process that began in February 2022. The applications will undergo review at the end of August. A preliminary project ranking will be made public by the end of September. City Council will consider the project budget during its review of the Capital Improvement Program budget in October.

Page last updated: 17 Jun 2024, 09:25 AM