We Need Your Help!
Please enjoy the parks responsibly.
The sunny days and warm weather are perfect for enjoying one of the Island's many parks. A lot of folks have the same idea which has led to crowded parks, beaches, and overflowing garbage cans.
We need your help!
On July 30, the City made the difficult decision to close Groveland Beach Park in an effort to minimize the frequent large gatherings that have been occurring at the park for several weeks. The City of Kirkland had to take the same action. If you arrive at a crowded park, please find an alternate location. Plan ahead.
Additionally, significant amounts of trash are straining very limited parks maintenance staffing. Staff spent 16 hours cleaning up garbage in Luther Burbank Park on one weekday. Please pack out your garbage!
Most park amenities elsewhere on Mercer Island continue to remain open. The City asks all park patrons to comply with social distancing and mask rules, pack out picnic garbage, and consider exploring our lesser-known park locations.
Here are a few tips to help you enjoy the outdoors safely:
Plan ahead.
- It might not be what you planned, or convenient, but be prepared to go somewhere else if your destination is crowded.
Keep your distance.
- Recreate with those in your household and up to 5 others.
- Give others plenty of room.
Pack it in, Pack it out!
Make sure to add hand sanitizer and extra masks to your 10 Essentials and check out this helpful article about wearing your face covering properly.
Details on what’s open can be found at: www.mercerisland.gov/PlaySafe
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