Island Crest Way Corridor Improvements

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Project Overview

Island Crest Way (ICW) serves an important north-south corridor through Mercer Island, providing vital connections to schools, parks, residential neighborhoods, places of worship, and commercial centers, as well as access to I-90.

In 2022, the City conducted a corridor safety analysis. This extensive study included community input which helped the City identify recommendations and solutions to address pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicle safety concerns. The findings resulted in the Island Crest Way Corridor Improvements Project to enhance safety along Island Crest Way from 90th Avenue SE to SE 68th Street.

The City is now embarking on the second stage of the project where we begin the design and implementation of some of the recommendations made in the previous stage. To cover a wide range of factors and goals, this project has been broken up into several components.

Project Components

  • ICW Shared Use Path Improvement Project: Assess feasibility and begin preliminary design on a shared-use path for pedestrians and cyclists. This proposed path will complete the missing section of the bicycle route along Island Crest Way between 90th Ave SE and SE 63rd St. The ICW Shared Use Path Improvement Project is the City’s current focus and will include public outreach and input from the community.

Other project components include:

  • Tree Condition Assessment: Every tree along the corridor is being assessed by certified arborists to document growth conditions and ensure the preservation of healthy trees and root systems.
  • Illumination Study: A corridor-wide lighting assessment to explore adequate lighting solutions and design recommendations for all roadway users.
  • Crosswalk Improvements: Design of enhanced pedestrian crossings at three locations to be constructed in 2024, including Island Park Elementary School Crosswalk, SE 62nd Street & SE 63rd Street.
  • Feasibility Study & Concept Design: Evaluate the feasibility of two intersection modifications: a roundabout or other improvement at the intersection of SE 68th Street and Island Crest Way and a westbound right turn lane at the intersection of SE 53rd Place and Island Crest Way.

Project Goals

  1. Improve safety along the Island Crest Way corridor by designing more dedicated marked crossings and enhanced lighting throughout the corridor.
  2. Develop a multi-modal corridor that provides safe and efficient movement for pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers.
  3. Provide essential connections to existing trail systems along the corridor and safe crossings to these trails.
  4. Encourage community members to help the City clearly identify the existing issues and explore opportunities to meet project goals.
  5. Improve access to transit along the corridor.
  6. Preserve the urban forest and the existing tree canopy while balancing safety and available right-of-way space to achieve project goals.

Get Involved

The online open house has been postponed to provide a project update and preliminary draft of shared use path alternatives to the City Council for feedback and a decision on their preferred alternative. The City Council's direction will inform the next steps of the design and public engagement process. City Council agenda bills regarding this project will be linked to Let's Talk the Thursday before the City Council meeting.

Project Overview

Island Crest Way (ICW) serves an important north-south corridor through Mercer Island, providing vital connections to schools, parks, residential neighborhoods, places of worship, and commercial centers, as well as access to I-90.

In 2022, the City conducted a corridor safety analysis. This extensive study included community input which helped the City identify recommendations and solutions to address pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicle safety concerns. The findings resulted in the Island Crest Way Corridor Improvements Project to enhance safety along Island Crest Way from 90th Avenue SE to SE 68th Street.

The City is now embarking on the second stage of the project where we begin the design and implementation of some of the recommendations made in the previous stage. To cover a wide range of factors and goals, this project has been broken up into several components.

Project Components

  • ICW Shared Use Path Improvement Project: Assess feasibility and begin preliminary design on a shared-use path for pedestrians and cyclists. This proposed path will complete the missing section of the bicycle route along Island Crest Way between 90th Ave SE and SE 63rd St. The ICW Shared Use Path Improvement Project is the City’s current focus and will include public outreach and input from the community.

Other project components include:

  • Tree Condition Assessment: Every tree along the corridor is being assessed by certified arborists to document growth conditions and ensure the preservation of healthy trees and root systems.
  • Illumination Study: A corridor-wide lighting assessment to explore adequate lighting solutions and design recommendations for all roadway users.
  • Crosswalk Improvements: Design of enhanced pedestrian crossings at three locations to be constructed in 2024, including Island Park Elementary School Crosswalk, SE 62nd Street & SE 63rd Street.
  • Feasibility Study & Concept Design: Evaluate the feasibility of two intersection modifications: a roundabout or other improvement at the intersection of SE 68th Street and Island Crest Way and a westbound right turn lane at the intersection of SE 53rd Place and Island Crest Way.

Project Goals

  1. Improve safety along the Island Crest Way corridor by designing more dedicated marked crossings and enhanced lighting throughout the corridor.
  2. Develop a multi-modal corridor that provides safe and efficient movement for pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers.
  3. Provide essential connections to existing trail systems along the corridor and safe crossings to these trails.
  4. Encourage community members to help the City clearly identify the existing issues and explore opportunities to meet project goals.
  5. Improve access to transit along the corridor.
  6. Preserve the urban forest and the existing tree canopy while balancing safety and available right-of-way space to achieve project goals.

Get Involved

The online open house has been postponed to provide a project update and preliminary draft of shared use path alternatives to the City Council for feedback and a decision on their preferred alternative. The City Council's direction will inform the next steps of the design and public engagement process. City Council agenda bills regarding this project will be linked to Let's Talk the Thursday before the City Council meeting.

  • Crosswalk Improvements - Construction Updates

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    Week of 2/24/2025 - This week while the school district was on mid-winter break, crews trimmed branches around power poles and installed underground conduit behind the east-side paved path. Crews also began setting poles and cabinets in preparation for Puget Sound Energy’s new service drops to power the crosswalk improvements. Crews will return the week of April 14th (school district spring break) to complete electrical connections to the light poles, rectangular rapid-flashing beacons (RRFBs), and pedestrian signal.

    Week of 2/17/2025 - During the school district’s mid-winter break, crews will trim branches around power poles and install underground conduit behind the east-side paved path to prepare for Puget Sound Energy’s new service drops that will power the crosswalk improvements. Please expect minor traffic delays on Island Crest Way between Island Park Elementary and SE 63rd Street. Installation of the new pedestrian signal, rectangular rapid-flashing beacons (RRFBs), light poles, signal controller, and cabinet is scheduled for the week of April 14th (school district spring break).

    January 2025 update - Construction is planned to resume the week of February 17th during school mid-winter break. Crews will trim branches around power poles and install underground conduit behind the east-side paved path to prepare for Puget Sound Energy’s new service drops that will power the crosswalk improvements. During school spring break (the week of April 14th), crews will be back on-site to install and wire the new pedestrian signal, rectangular rapid-flashing beacons (RRFBs), light poles, signal controller, and cabinets. To minimize traffic delays on Island Crest Way, staff have scheduled construction work to occur during school breaks.

    Week of 9/23/24 - This week, the project team performed a punch list walk for non-electrical project elements to log minor outstanding work the contractor still needs to complete. Electrical equipment and poles are tentatively scheduled to arrive this winter, with installation anticipated to occur during the school's winter holiday break. The project team will perform another punch list walk for the electrical project elements once the pedestrian signal and RRFBs are fully operational.

    Week of 8/26/24 - Crews installed pavement markings and new street signs earlier this week, ahead of Island Park Elementary’s first day of school. The pavement markings and signs emphasize the new crossing improvements and increase safety along the ICW corridor. Crews also restored landscaping areas surrounding the crosswalk improvements. Work is now suspended until the electrical subcontractor receives the poles, RRFB hardware, and other electrical components in several months. In the next week, the contractor will remove equipment and material that has been stored along the shoulder of Island Crest Way throughout the summer.

    Week of 8/19/24- Concrete curbs and sidewalk landings are completed and reopened for pedestrians and contractor crews have moved some of their equipment and supplies off the Island. Roadway pavement markings and new signs are planned to be installed next week. Crews plan to have the crosswalks at Island Park Elementary, SE 62nd Street, and SE 63rd Street remarked prior to school resuming next Wednesday. The rectangular rapid-flashing beacons and pedestrian signal will be installed in winter 2024 or early 2025, once the poles and electrical components arrive.

    New markings and signsNew markings and signs
    Paint linesPaint lines
    Thermo barsThermo bars
    ICW Colored MedianICW Colored Median
    ICW Median Concrete PourICW Median Concrete Pour

    Week of 8/12/2024 - This week, contractor crews completed asphalt patching at the intersections of SE 63rd Street, SE 62nd Street, and the Island Park Elementary driveway. Crews also poured the new median island in front of the Island Park Elementary driveway, consisting of extruded curb and stamped concrete. In the next two weeks, crews will install pavement markings and signage prior to school resuming. Due to long procurement time, electrical equipment and poles will likely be installed in winter 2024 or early in 2025.

    Week of 8/5/2024 - This week, contractor crews poured concrete ramps, curbs, and sidewalk areas. Crews also rotomilled the existing pavement at the intersections of Island Crest Way with SE 63rd Street and the Island Park Elementary driveway in preparation for repaving those areas next week. On Monday, August 12th, access to Island Crest Way from SE 63rd Street will be blocked. City staff placed door hangers on SE 63rd Street resident doors to provide notice of the upcoming paving work and advised using 84th Avenue SE and SE 68th Street as a detour to reach Island Crest Way.

    Week of 7/29/2024 - This week, contractor crews finished pouring curb lines and started pouring ADA curb ramps and sidewalks at all three project intersections. Please continue to walk/bike/roll around the fenced construction areas to allow concrete to cure. Next week, crews should complete pouring the concrete ramps and sidewalk areas. Crews will also prepare for asphalt path connections to the new sidewalks as well as patching of roadway areas in front of the new curb lines.

    Week of 7/22/2024 - This week, contractor crews completed pouring foundations for the new rectangular rapid-flashing beacons (RRFBs), light poles, and electrical pads. At all three project intersections, electrical junction boxes were installed, and new curb and gutter were poured, and crushed rock behind the new curb lines was compacted and graded in preparation for the sidewalk to be poured on top of the crushed rock.

    Next week, sidewalks and ADA curb ramps will be poured at all three project intersections.

    Also this week, City staff posted signs along Island Crest Way to encourage pedestrians to walk/bike/roll on the east-side of the Island Crest Way during construction. See the Alternative Pedestrian Route article.

    Week of 7/15/2024 - This week, the City’s contractor, Active Construction Inc (ACI), continued roadway excavation and poured concrete for some of the electrical pads and signal pole bases. Next week, crews will pour additional pole bases and begin forming and pouring new curb and gutter at all three Island Crest Way project intersections: SE 63rd Street, SE 62nd Street, and the Island Park Elementary school driveway. Crews are working weekdays from 7:00AM to 3:30PM. Single lane closures during work hours are planned with traffic delays expected. Work is scheduled to be mostly complete by the end of August ahead of school starting, with electrical work extending into fall/winter.

    Week of 7/8/2024 - This week, the City’s contractor, Active Construction Inc (ACI), began roadway excavation at all three Island Crest Way project intersections: SE 63rd Street, SE 62nd Street, and the Island Park Elementary School driveway. Trenches are being dug across Island Crest Way and electrical conduit is being installed to supply power to the new rectangular rapid-flashing beacons (RRFBs) and pedestrian signal. New concrete sidewalk landings will be constructed in the coming weeks. Crews are working weekdays from 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Single lane closures during work hours are planned with traffic delays expected. Work is scheduled to be mostly complete by the end of August ahead of school starting, with electrical work extending into fall/winter.

    Week of 7/1/2024 - Construction crews removed trees and painted roadway excavation lines at each of the three project intersections. Next week, construction crews will begin roadway excavation work.

    Week of 6/24/2024 - Contractor mobilization and construction activities are planned to start the week of July 1st. To accommodate construction of the crosswalk improvements and to improve crosswalk sightlines, eight trees are anticipated to be removed adjacent to the SE 62nd Street, SE 63rd Street, and Island Park Elementary driveway crosswalk location Replacement trees will be planted in the upcoming wet season, October 1-April 1.

    Construction crews will be working between the hours of 7:00AM to 3:30PM, Monday through Friday. During these hours, please expect minor traffic delays within the project area. Island Crest Way and the cross streets of SE 62nd and SE 63rd Streets may be reduced to one lane at times, with traffic being directed by flaggers.

    Continue to tune in to this article for construction updates.

  • Final Supporting Documents and Project Update

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    The Island Crest Way Corridor Improvements project supporting documents are complete and will be a resource as design progresses on the shared use path and intersection improvements. They include the following:

    • Shared Use Path Feasibility/Preliminary Design
    • SE 53rd Place and SE 68th Street Intersection Feasibility/Preliminary Design
    • Tree Assessment
    • Illumination Study

    The crosswalk improvements began construction after school let out in summer 2024. The construction is currently on hold until crosswalk electrical equipment is received and installed (link to construction updates here). The supporting documents can be found under the Documents widget.

    Throughout the rest of 2024, City staff are working with the consultant to start 30% design of the shared use path initial phase (Island Park Elementary to Island Crest Park) and intersection improvements (SE 53rd Place and SE 68th Street) based on the supporting documents. As a reminder, the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program has design of the shared use path initial phase and intersection improvements in 2025-2026. Construction of the shared use path initial phase and SE 53rd Place intersection improvements are slated for 2030, with SE 68th Street intersection improvements and the rest of the shared use path construction in out-years as funding becomes available.

  • Alternative Pedestrian Route

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    During the week of July 22, 2024, City staff began posting signs (see image on the left) along the east-side path of Island Crest Way (ICW) from SE 63rd Street to the Island Park Elementary driveway to encourage pedestrians to walk/bike/roll on the east-side of the Island Crest Way during Crosswalk Improvement construction.

    Use the East-side Path of ICW

    Staff are suggesting the use of the east-side path to help reduce the number of pedestrian crossings on Island Crest Way and minimize overlap with construction work areas.

    Intermittently during construction, pedestrian paths may be blocked. Pedestrian escorts will be stationed near a path blockage to guide pedestrians through or around the work area. The image in the middle above looks south on Island Crest Way and shows an example of a pedestrian path blockage at the southeast corner of SE 62nd Street, and the location of a pedestrian escort. Please plan for delays on pedestrian paths when blockages occur.

    Use Caution and Stay Between Orange Construction Fencing

    When construction work does not block pedestrian paths, walk/bike/roll between the orange construction fencing. The image on the right above shows the east-side path adjacent to the Island Park Elementary driveway.

    Staff are anticipating completion of the crosswalk improvement project by the end of August or early September.

  • City Council Selects Shared Use Path Alternative

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    The City Council received an update on the three shared use path alternatives (east side, west side, and in-roadway bike lanes) and proposed phasing plan to implement the project over time. The phasing plan is shown below:

    Phasing gets the project started, spreads costs over time, and provides time to pursue grant funding. The City Council made the following decisions regarding the project at their June 18, 2024 meeting.

    1. The west side shared use path is the preferred alignment. Seek feedback from the public during the design process.
    2. Include the design of the west side shared use path from the Island Park Elementary School driveway south to SE 60th Street; the SE 53rd Place intersection safety improvements; and the SE 68th Street pedestrian/bicycle safety improvements in 2025 to 2026 as part of the 2025-2030 Transportation Improvement Program.
    3. Include the construction of the west side shared use path from the Island Park Elementary School driveway south to SE 60th Street and the SE 53rd Place intersection safety improvements in 2030 as part of the 2025-2030 Transportation Improvement Program.

    Information about the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program and the 2025-2030 Transportation Improvement Program adopted by the City Council on June 18, 2024 can be found here.

  • City Council to Select Preferred Shared Use Path Alternative on June 18, 2024

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    At its June 18, 2024, regular meeting, the City Council will receive another staff presentation on the three shared use path alternatives. Elements of the staff presentation include:

    • Description of the three shared use path alternatives
    • Staff recommendation of preferred shared use path alternative
    • Proposed project phasing

    Following the staff presentation, City Council is expected to consider and select a preferred shared use path alternative and direct staff to proceed with the community engagement process. Input from the community engagement process will help to inform the design of the preferred shared use path alternative. Design is anticipated to start in 2025 pending inclusion of the Island Crest Way Corridor Improvements (90.25.0013) in the 2025-2030 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) planned for adoption on June 18.

    Included below are links to information that the City Council will receive for the June 18 meeting:

    • Agenda bill (AB6503) Island Crest Way Shared Use Path Preferred Alternative. View the slide deck presentation.
    • Shared Use Path Conceptual Design Summary (exhibit 1 of AB6503) including cross-section drawings of the draft alternatives.

    The community can watch the June 18, 2024 City Council meeting live or anytime after here.

  • Island Crest Way Crosswalk Improvements - Construction

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    A construction contract was awarded to Active Construction, Inc. by the City Council on May 7, 2024. On May 28, 2024, City staff executed the contract so work can begin as scheduled in June 2024. A pre-construction meeting is scheduled for the week of June 10, 2024 to outline construction procedures and timelines with the contractor.

  • Data Collection on Island Crest Way

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    We will be conducting traffic data collection the week of May 6th by applying tubes on the roadway and cameras along Island Crest Way between 90th Avenue SE and SE 68th Street. Tubes will collect speed, volume, and vehicle classification data, and the cameras will observe the number of pedestrians and bicycles utilizing the corridor and their direction of travel. Data collected will help inform the traffic analysis and design elements of this project.

  • Update on Island Crest Way Crosswalk Improvements

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    supporting image

    The consultant team is finalizing the design of the three crosswalk improvements. The design includes rectangular rapid-flashing beacons (RRFBs) at SE 62nd St and SE 63rd St and a pedestrian signal at the Island Park Elementary driveway. Refer to FAQs on this webpage for RRFB and pedestrian signal descriptions.

    Advertisement for construction bids will occur late March with construction anticipated to start in June 2024 after school is out. Most of the construction is planned for completion by the end of August 2024 prior to Island Park Elementary starting the 2024-2025 school year. Signal poles, beacons, and electrical equipment have long lead times and will be installed once they arrive later in the fall/winter. During construction, the existing RRFB at the Island Park Elementary driveway will remain operational until the pedestrian signal is fully up and running.

    Stay tuned for progress updates, photos, and more details during construction.

    Key Dates

    • Late March 2024 – Advertise Crosswalk Improvements
    • June 2024 – Crosswalk Improvements construction begin

  • Preliminary Draft of Shared Use Path Alternatives Presentation on March 19 (Updated June 13, 2024)

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    At its March 19, 2024, Regular Meeting, the City Council will receive a project update and review several draft shared use path alternatives for the Island Crest Way Improvements Project.

    This will be an early preview for the City Council and no decisions will be made regarding any of the shared use path alternatives. At the meeting, the City Council will focus on design concepts and have an opportunity to discuss the alternatives as a body, ask questions, and make suggestions about the alternatives.

    The March 19, 2024 presentation to the City Council is just the first part of a multi-tiered process before any decisions are made. Here’s the process:

    1. Preview and Discuss Draft Alternatives. The City Council discusses the alternatives at the March 19 meeting.
    2. Council Decision on Preferred Shared Use Path. Staff brings back additional information and any changes to a future Council Meeting where the City Council will then select a preferred shared use path alternatives.
    3. Public Engagement Process. During this public engagement process, the community will have an opportunity to share feedback, concerns, and ask questions about the design options.

    Included below are links to information that the City Council will receive for the March 19 meeting:

    The community can watch the March 19, 2024 City Council meeting live or any time after via the City Council YouTube Channel. Click here for more information.

    Updated June 13, 2024

Page last updated: 25 Feb 2025, 01:53 PM