COVID-19 Information

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COVID-19 information pages are no longer updated. 

See the CDC's COVID website for current information and trends. 

The City of Mercer Island is committed to sharing up-to-date information on the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic with the community. These pages share the latest information, resources, and more.

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The City of Mercer Island is committed to sharing up-to-date information on the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic with the community. These pages share the latest information, resources, and more.

Click on the shortcut buttons below to access the most requested information.

COVID-19 information pages are no longer updated. 

See the CDC's COVID website for current information and trends. 

  • Governor Extends Restrictions Through January 4

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    In mid-November the Governor implemented a series of restrictions to try to curb the spread of COVID-19; today he extended those restrictions through January 4.

    On December 8, Governor Inslee announced that he is extending the tighter restrictions he implemented on November 16 for an additional three-weeks. “What we do between now — when COVID activity is still at crisis levels — and the time when vaccines are widely available, is literally a matter of life and death,” he said during his video announcement.

    The three-week extension of statewide restrictions come as the state’s healthcare system nears dangerous occupancy levels. With the effects of Thanksgiving on infection and hospital numbers still unknown, the extension will grant the state’s medical system much needed time to increase Intensive Care Unit (ICU) capacity before it’s overwhelmed.

    The extended restrictions include:

    • Indoor gatherings with people outside the household will be prohibited unless participants:
      • Quarantine for fourteen days (14) prior to the social gathering; or
      • Quarantine for the seven (7) days prior to the gathering, and receive a negative COVID-19 test result no more than 48-hours prior to the gathering.
    • Outdoor gatherings are limited to no more than five people.
    • Restaurants and Bars are closed for indoor dine-in service. Outdoor dining and to-go service are permitted, provided that all outdoor dining must comply with the requirements of the Outdoor Dining Guidance. Table size for outdoor dining is limited to a maximum of five (5) people. These modified restaurant and bar restrictions go into effect at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, November 18, 2020.
    • Fitness Facilities and Gyms are closed for indoor operations. Outdoor fitness classes are permitted but are subject to and limited by the outdoor social gathering restriction listed above.
    • Bowling Centers are closed for indoor service.
    • Miscellaneous Venues: All retail activities and business meetings are prohibited. Only professional training and testing that cannot be performed remotely, as well as all court and judicial branch-related proceedings, are allowed. Occupancy in each meeting room is limited to 25 percent of indoor occupancy limits or 100 people, whichever is fewer.
      • Miscellaneous venues include: convention/conference centers, designated meeting spaces in a hotel, events centers, fairgrounds, sporting arenas, nonprofit establishment, or a substantially similar venue.
    • Movie Theaters are closed for indoor service. Drive-in movie theaters are permitted and must continue to follow current drive-in movie theater guidance.
    • Museums/Zoos/Aquariums are closed for indoor service.
    • Real Estate: Open houses are prohibited.
    • Wedding and Funerals: Ceremonies are limited to a total of no more than 30 people. Indoor receptions, wakes, or similar gatherings in conjunction with such ceremonies are prohibited.
    • In-Store Retail shall be limited to 25 percent of indoor occupancy limits, and common/congregate seating areas and indoor dining facilities such as food courts are closed.
    • Religious Services are limited to 25 percent of indoor occupancy limits, or no more than 200 people, whichever is fewer. Congregation members/attendees must wear facial coverings at all times and congregation singing is prohibited. No choir, band, or ensemble shall perform during the service. Vocal or instrumental soloists are permitted to perform, and vocal soloists may have a single accompanist. Outdoor services must follow the Outdoor Dining Guidance, found here(External link), applicable to the structure or facility.
    • Professional Services are required to mandate that employees work from home when possible and close offices to the public if possible. Any office that must remain open must limit occupancy to 25 percent of indoor occupancy limits.
    • Personal Services are limited to 25 percent of indoor occupancy limits.
      • Personal service providers include: cosmetologists, cosmetology testing, hairstylists, barbers, estheticians, master estheticians, manicurists, nail salon workers, electrologists, permanent makeup artists, tanning salons, and tattoo artists.
    • Long-term Care Facilities: Outdoor visits are permitted. Indoor visits are prohibited, but individual exceptions for an essential support person or end-of-life care are permitted. These restrictions are also extended to the facilities in Proclamation 20-74, et seq. All other provisions of Proclamations 20-66, et seq., and 20-74, et seq., including all preliminary criteria to allow any visitors, remain in effect.
    • Youth and Adult Sporting Activities: Indoor activities and all contests and games are prohibited. Outdoor activities shall be limited to intra-team practices only, with facial coverings required for all coaches, volunteers and athletes at all times.
    • NEW Singing in Enclosed Spaces: In all other circumstances not specifically addressed in this order, group singing, with or without face coverings, with members who are outside of a person’s household is prohibited in enclosed, indoor spaces. Outdoor singing, while participants wear face coverings, is permitted, so long as the activity otherwise complies with guidance specific to that activity.
  • Gov. Inslee Extends Current Restrictions Through January 11

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    In mid-November the Governor implemented a series of restrictions to try to curb the spread of COVID-19; today he extended those restrictions through January 11.

    On December 30, Governor Inslee announced an extension of the tighter restrictions he implemented on November 16 through January 11. Click here for the proclamation and here more information on the restrictions.

  • Coronavirus Fact Sheets

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  • Inslee announces additional COVID-19 financial support

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    On November 20, Gov. Jay Inslee announced additional financial support funds for families and businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The governor was joined by Lisa Brown, Department of Commerce director, for the announcement.

    "We know this pandemic is taking an economic toll," Inslee said during a press conference Friday. "On Sunday we announced $50 million in business supports, but after more discussions with legislators and our agencies, we’ve agreed on how to more than double that."

    In addition to funds announced on Sunday, the total new economic supports amount to $135 million. Included in that total is:

    • $70 million in business support grants.
    • $30 million for the recovery loan program.
    • $20 million for rental assistance.
    • $15 million for energy bills for low-income households.

    Included in the $70 million in business support grants is $50 million for a new round of Working Washington grants focused on the hardest-hit industries. Remaining funds will go toward historically disadvantaged businesses who applied for earlier business grants and bolstering Commerce’s business resiliency network.

    "We know this is hard on these small businesses, and we know that this will not fully solve the burden so many business owners are shouldering," Brown said. "But it will help get some of them get through a difficult period. We are going to keep working with legislators, congress and other partners on securing additional support."

    The grants will be allocated first to businesses most impacted by both COVID-19 and the most recent measures taken to address public safety. Equity will also be a priority in making allocation decisions. In addition to the new funds, there will also be separate business support programs coming from local governments.

    "This is a significant relief effort," Inslee said. "I can’t say it’s going to help everyone, but I can say we are not done yet collaborating with our partners to find more funds."

    Find more information on available business assistance here.

  • Upcoming Mask Distribution Events

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    City Emergency Management Volunteers continue to distribute face coverings to the Mercer Island community. Here are details for upcoming distribution events.

    Upcoming Events

    Mask-Giving Day is scheduled for Saturday, November 21 from 10:00am - 3:00pm at the MICEC. Click here for details. Need one now? Masks are available (while supplies lasts) in the Police Lobby.

    Past Events

    Volunteers have handed out more masks at City parks and in Town Center (pictures below). Volunteers have spent hundreds of hours helping out their fellow residents and have passed out over 11,200 masks - thank you, volunteers!

    King County also has mask distribution events. Click here for more information.

  • Reopening Washington - A Phased Approach

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    Wondering when your hair stylist can open or when you can eat out at your favorite restaurant? The state's four phased approach to reopening details when various industries can open and how they will do so.

    Updated May 20: Gov. Jay Inslee's phased approach to how Washington state will reopen businesses and modifying physical distancing measures.

    Businesses are expected to implement any additional requirements developed specifically for their industry. Moving forward, there will be four phases allowing more areas of the state to re-open after each phase. A minimum of three weeks is required between each phase.

    Phase 1: The state entered Phase 1 on May 5.

    Phase 2: King County entered Phase 2 on June 19.

    Additional expansions of outdoor recreation activities would be allowed, as well as small gatherings of 5 or fewer people, new construction and in-store retail purchases with health restrictions. Barber shops and salons could reopen and house cleaning services. Restaurants could reopen with 50% capacity and table size no larger than 5. Some professional services and offices could open as well, even though teleworking would remain strongly encouraged. Pet care services including grooming could resume.

    Phase 3: Gatherings of 50 people or less, including sports activities, would be allowed, and non-essential travel could resume. Restaurants could move up to 75% capacity and tables up to 10 people, and bars at 25% capacity; gyms and movie theaters could reopen at 50% capacity; retail, libraries, museums and government buildings could reopen. Recreational facilities like pools could open at 50% capacity. Nightclubs and entertainment venues would still not be able to reopen.

    Phase 4: Would involve resuming the majority of public interactions. Gatherings of more than 50 people would be allowed, but still while practicing social distancing. On June 27, Gov. Inslee and Sec. John Wiesman put a pause on county progressions to Phase 4.

    Every phase will still require social distancing and appropriate health precautions including the use of personal protective equipment in a number of workplaces. Watch Gov. Inslee’s press conference.

    Essential Business Guidance

    Many parts of the economy are already allowed to operate safely as essential businesses. For a list of essential businesses click here.

    Challenge Seattle and the Washington Roundtable have developed a business checklist which is a great starting point for businesses as they prepare for a Safe Start. Our shared goal is to establish clear requirements that everyone can understand and apply — employers, workers and customers.

    These phases depend on continued success in slowing the spread of COVID-19 and meeting four capabilities including:

    • health care system readiness
    • testing capacity
    • ability to do contact investigations
    • ability to protect high-risk populations.

    Find more information on that here:

    Not every part of the state is experiencing #COVID19 the same way. County variances are allowed. Smaller counties could reopen. Counties with fewer than 50,000 residents not hit hard by #COVID19 will be able to apply to the Department of Health for a variance that will allow the county to open to the second phase. Cities and counties can also take more strict actions than what the state is mandating. That is up to them based on their public health needs and local decision making.

  • Directive from King County Health: Wear Face Coverings in Public

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    Beginning May 18, King County residents were directed to wear face coverings in most public settings.

    The King County Health Officer issued a directive to wear face coverings in public places, both indoors in places such as grocery stores and businesses, and also outdoors when it’s difficult to maintain six feet apart from others. While face coverings do not replace proper hygiene or social distancing as protection measures, they can help to protect others and slow spread of COVID-19 by blocking infectious droplets from spreading when someone with the infection coughs, sneezes or speaks.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) define cloth face coverings as fabric coverings including cloth face masks, scarves and bandana coverings, or any homemade face covering made of cotton fabric. The CDC also makes clear that cloth face coverings should:

    • Include multiple layers of fabric
    • Allow for breathing without restriction
    • Be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape

    Make sure you are wearing your face covering properly!

    Everyone is strongly urged to wear face coverings in places such as:

    • Stores that sell food and beverages (including: grocery stores, pharmacies, corner stores, convenience stores, liquor stores, farmers' markets, food banks, farm and produce stands, supermarkets, big box stores that sell groceries, and similar places that sell food).

    • Retail stores (including: convenience stores, pet supply stores, auto supplies and repair shops, hardware and home improvement stores, garden stores that sell supplies for growing food, office supply stores, and home appliance stores).

    • Restaurant take-out and food businesses. Employees who prepare, carry out, and deliver food must wear masks.

    • Cannabis shops and stores that sell dietary supplements.

    • Tobacco and vapor shops.

    • Buses, light rail, and other forms of public transportation.

    The Health Officer’s Directive relies on individual compliance; there is no penalty for not wearing a mask.

    Other details regarding the directive:

    Operators and riders on King County Metro will be required to wear face coverings.

    • Metro operators will not prevent passengers without face coverings from boarding, but recorded reminders will play on the vehicle’s public address system informing riders of the face covering policy.
      • Security officers will communicate public health guidance to riders who are not wearing a face covering or staying apart from other passengers.

    Face coverings are not directed to be worn when:

    • At home
      • In your car alone or if you’re only with members of your household
      • Exercising outdoors, like walking, hiking, bicycling, or running, when appropriate social distancing is possible

    Is anyone exempt from wearing a face covering?

    • Face coverings should not be worn by children who are two years of age or younger, or children under the age of twelve unless supervised by an adult.
      • Additionally, if wearing a face covering would be difficult or harmful, an individual should not do so. Examples would be someone who has a physical disability that makes it difficult to easily wear or remove a face covering; someone who is deaf and uses facial and mouth movements as part of communications; someone who has been advised by a medical professional to not wear one; or someone who has trouble breathing or cannot remove a face covering without assistance.

    For more information visit

    Still need a mask? Check out these DIY Face Mask options from King County or these options from the CDC.! Have you seen the 45 second video from the Surgeon General? If not, he shares the easiest face covering option.

  • Resources for Mercer Island Seniors

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    The City has organized a number of resources and services for homebound seniors.

    Tech 101 Tutorial

    Check out this video with tips and information on how to use technology to stay connected with family and friends while staying safe at home.

    At-Home Workout Videos

    Stay Home but Stay Active with free workouts from MI Athletic Club! Five 15-minute, equipment-free workouts. Stream any time here on Let’s Talk. Coming to Channel 21, Monday – Friday in the mornings and afternoons. Thank you to Ginny Pietila and MI Athletic Club for this resource! More online workouts for all levels available at

    Live Video Briefing Featuring YFS Geriatric Specialist, Betsy Zuber

    Geriatric Specialist for Mercer Island Youth & Family Services, Betsy Zuber, joined City Manager Jessi Bon for the April 16 Live COVID-19 Situation Briefing. Betsy provided counseling and consultation to Mercer Island adults, older adults and their families for 20 years. During the Thursday briefing, she shared the latest resources for Mercer Island seniors.

    Request Assistance from Emergency Volunteers

    The City has mobilized Emergency Response volunteers to help provide assistance to vulnerable populations or others in need. City volunteers can provide assistance with a wide range of non-professional services such as maintaining safe access to your entryways (removing plant growth or debris) or running local on-Island errands when delivery services are not available from retailers. To request assistance, please call the Coronavirus Hotline at (206) 275-7626 or email

    Senior Hours at Mercerdale Park

    To help provide access for seniors, starting tomorrow, the City will implement Senior Hours at Mercerdale Park. Monday-Friday between 7:00am-10:00am. CDC advises that older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions might be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. We’re asking the community to respect these hours to better serve our senior population.

    Disabled Parking at Mercerdale and Luther Burbank Parks

    To help provide access for members of our community with accessibility challenges, starting tomorrow, the City will open disabled parking spaces at Mercerdale and Luther Burbank Parks. These spaces will be available during park open hours for patrons with government-issued handicap placards or license plates. Staff are reevaluating parks restrictions daily and working to find solutions that suit our senior and disabled neighbors.

    Senior Services through YFS

    YFS Specialists are still available for phone and email consultations Monday – Wednesday for senior residents and their families. Click here for more information.

    Senior Shopping Hours

    Click here for details about special shopping hours.

    Connecting to Culture from the Comfort of Your Home

    Bored? Missing the arts? Erin Vivion, Mercer Island resident and Chair of the Mercer Island Arts Council, compiled a list of suggestions to stay connected to the arts. Follow this link to connect to culture from your couch.

    Forever Young, and Also Over 60

    Washington State Department of Health published an article on information and tips for residents who are 60 or older to stay as healthy as possible. Click here for the article.

  • Social Distancing in Public Parks and Trails

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    These are the following social distancing in public parks and trails:
    • Do not use parks or trails if you are exhibiting symptoms
    • Follow CDC's guidance on personal hygiene prior to visiting parks or trails
    • Be prepared for limited access to public restrooms or water fountains
    • Share the trail and warn other trail users of your presence and as you pass
    • Observe CDC;s minimum recommended social distancing of 6-feet from other persons at all times
  • Flu Season is Here

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    According to health officials, the flu vaccine should be considered “essential” this year.

    While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect our daily lives, autumn brings with it another unwanted visitor – the flu. The presence of both viruses could put more people in the hospital and strain Washington’s health care system. We may not have a vaccine to prevent COVID-19 at this time but we do have one to prevent flu. State health experts want you to take action.

    Schedule an appointment or walk in to get your annual flu shot at one of three pharmacies on Mercer Island:


    Address: 7707 SE 27th Street

    Phone: 206-232-1197

    Pharmacy Hours:

    Mon-Fri: 8am-10pm;

    Sat: 9am-6pm;

    Sun: 10am-6pm.

    Closed 1-1:30pm daily for break

    Rite Aid (North End)

    Administering the high-dose vaccine for Seniors 65+

    Address: 3023 78th Ave SE

    Phone: 206-236-0776

    Pharmacy Hours:

    Mon-Fri: 9am-9pm;

    Sat: 9am-6pm;

    Sun: 10am-6pm

    Rite Aid (South End)

    Address: 8441 SE 68th Street

    Phone: 206-232-3000

    Pharmacy Hours:

    Mon-Fri: 9am-7pm;

    Sat: 10am-5pm;

    Sun: Closed

    Vaccination Clinics

    Public Health – Seattle & King County is organizing two drive-thru clinics at the ShoWare Center in Kent on Wednesday, October 7 and Saturday, October 10 in collaboration with the Seattle Visiting Nurse Association (SVNA) and the Kent School District.

    They'll offer all vaccines required for K-12 school entry (Hep B, Varicella, Polio, MMR, Tdap, DTaP plus flu vaccine to kids ages 4-18). All vaccinations will be provided at no cost and available to all kids regardless of insurance status. SVNA will be providing adult flu (at no cost to uninsured and underinsured community members).

    The clinics are open to all King County residents.

    For more info visit the Find a Vaccination Clinic webpage.