First Hill Park Playground Replacement

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A treehouse play structure with two green slides photographed on an overcast fall day in the Pacific Northwest

First Hill Park is a neighborhood park located at SE 32nd Street and 72nd Avenue SE. The playground includes a treehouse play structure and a slide that takes advantage of the site's elevation change. Design improvements will include replacing the playground equipment, resurfacing the sports court, and evaluating opportunities to improve access. The City has retained the Berger Partnership, a leading landscape architecture and urban design firm, to lead design and community engagement for early playground replacements and aims to construct the First Hill playground improvements in 2025.

Stay tuned to this Let's Talk page for details about upcoming community engagement opportunities and draft concepts to review.

Looking for general information about Mercer Island playground replacements? Find it here:

First Hill Park is a neighborhood park located at SE 32nd Street and 72nd Avenue SE. The playground includes a treehouse play structure and a slide that takes advantage of the site's elevation change. Design improvements will include replacing the playground equipment, resurfacing the sports court, and evaluating opportunities to improve access. The City has retained the Berger Partnership, a leading landscape architecture and urban design firm, to lead design and community engagement for early playground replacements and aims to construct the First Hill playground improvements in 2025.

Stay tuned to this Let's Talk page for details about upcoming community engagement opportunities and draft concepts to review.

Looking for general information about Mercer Island playground replacements? Find it here:

  • Play Structure Reopened!

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    Good news! Today the City reopened the First Hill Park treehouse, which was closed in November due to wind storm damage. The Parks Maintenance team removed the broken stairwell and walled off the top of the platform, so the structure is now safe for playing once again.

    The playground will remain open until construction starts later this year. Read yesterday's project update to learn more about progress and timing.

  • Updates for January 2025

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    Work to replace aging play equipment at First Hill Park continues! Here's a look at progress made since the City's last update.

    • Ordered play equipment Equipment is provided by Landscape Structures, Inc., and includes a multi-level tower structure with two slides; a two-swing bay of traditional belt swings; and nature-themed steppers, seats, and a tunnel. New structures are currently scheduled to be delivered to the City in mid-February and will be stored at the Public Works Shop until construction begins.
    • Submitted permits – Staff submitted permits earlier this month and anticipate the review process will take 6-8 weeks.
    • Coordinating construction details with the contractor – Like the Roanoke Park Playground project, construction at First Hill Park will be completed through the KCDA purchasing cooperative. Staff and the design team from Berger Partnership plan to meet with R&R Construction at the park next week to discuss construction scope and timing.

    Construction is still planned for spring 2025 and will be coordinated with Roanoke construction as much as possible. Another update will be posted when permits have been issued and the construction schedule has been confirmed. In the meantime, contact Sarah Bluvas, CIP Project Manager, at with project questions.

  • Play Structure Closed Due to Wind Damage

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    The treehouse at First Hill Park was damaged during last month's "bomb cyclone" wind event. While the City evaluates options for the damaged play structure, it will remain closed to the public.

    An update will be posted on Let's Talk when next steps for the play structure are identified.

    Thank you for helping keep the playground safe by staying out of the closed play area!

  • Updates for October 2024

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    Staff and Berger anticipate submitting for a pre-app meeting with the City’s Community Planning and Development Department (CPD) to confirm permit requirements later this month. Preparing for this milestone has included the following:

    • Updating the site plan design The finalized design minimizes impacts to trees while providing an exciting climbing and sliding environment with a new multi-level tower play structure. Berger replaced the proposed saucer swing with traditional belt swings based on community feedback received this summer. Ideas to replace the hillside climbing experience continue to be explored and may be implemented during a future phase of site improvements. View the site plan that will be submitted for permitting here.

    • Conducting a tree assessment – First Hill features many trees, including within the play area itself, and mitigating risks to trees will be a key component of construction. Urban Forestry Services assessed the site in August and is finalizing an arborist report, which includes recommendations for tree protection.

    • Finalizing equipment order details Equipment will be provided by Landscape Structures, Inc., and includes a multi-level tower structure with two slides; a two-swing bay of traditional belt swings; and nature-themed steppers, seats, and a tunnel. Play manufacturers are still dealing with long lead times, so equipment will be ordered before the end of the year.

    Next steps include submitting for the pre-app with CPD, ordering play equipment, and executing the construction contract. Construction will be coordinated with the Roanoke Park playground replacement. Staff anticipate opening both new playgrounds in spring 2025. The playground at First Hill Park will remain open until construction begins.

  • Updates for August 2024

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    Thank you to all the community members who commented on the proposed site plan for the First Hill Park playground this summer! The City received 46 unique comments, which Berger is using to adjust the site plan and prepare for permitting. Staff anticipate beginning the permitting process in September and will post the refined site plan when available.

    Additionally, Berger continues to explore options for providing a safe hillside climbing experience to replace the slide that will be removed as part of this project. If a suitable hillside feature is identified, it could be installed during a later phase of renovations.

  • Comment on the proposed site plan through July 8!

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    The play equipment selection and site plan concept for First Hill Park Playground are now available for community review and comment! Read through this post, which provides more information about how the design was developed and equipment was selected, or check out this summary slide.

    After reviewing the site plan concept, share your comments on the proposed design and equipment here:

    Comment on the site plan concept

    Comments will be accepted through July 8, 2024, and feedback will be used to finalize the site plan and play equipment this summer.

    Click the graphic for a PDF of the site plan concept.

    CLIMB & SLIDE! - Details for the Multi-Level Tower Selection

    • The refined site plan includes the three-story tower option (pictured) to maintain the park's history as an exciting sliding and climbing environment.
    • Two slides are attached to the tower. One is a wiggle slide, and both are open-top slides, which align with preferences voiced in the survey.
    • Inside the tower, kids will find different opportunities for climbing, crawling, and other exploring. Images of play inside the tower are provided below.

    Views from inside the three-story tower proposed for the play area.

    CONNECT! - Nature-Themed and Younger Play Opportunities

    • Written survey comments asked for more features for younger children. A crawl tunnel, platform steppers, and themed play seats have been added to link the proposed tower and swing structures, giving play opportunities for more ages.
    • Comments also highlighted the park's relationship to nature. Nature-themed components were selected to maintain that feeling within the play area.
    Themed elements maintain the connection to nature in the park and provide play opportunities for younger ages.

    SWING! - Protecting Trees and Diversifying Play Options

    • The existing swing space has been repurposed to site the three-story tower in the proposed design. Locating the tower here helps protect the play area's many trees!
    • A new saucer swing (example pictured) is proposed for the north end of the play area to maintain swinging at the park and diversify play options on Mercer Island.
    • While the First Hill playground equipment survey did not ask for specific input on swinging types, the survey for Roanoke Park showed great support for installing a saucer swing at one of Mercer Island's playgrounds. The design team proposes implementing this play option at First Hill Park.

    Now that you know more about how the design was developed, provide feedback on the site plan concept here.

  • Design Update: Survey Results and Site Analysis

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    Thank you to the community members who completed the First Hill Park Playground Equipment Survey. The survey closed on April 14 and received 164 responses, including 400 written comments! Berger Partnership, the consultant collaborating with the City on this project, is still working through all the community’s great feedback and needs more time to thoughtfully develop a conceptual site plan. That concept will be shared on Let's Talk when ready.

    In the meantime, this post provides an overview of the survey feedback as well as the existing conditions and opportunities being considered for the site.

    Having trouble reading the graphics? Click here or on any one of the graphics to access a PDF of all three.

    Playground Equipment Survey Results

    The digital survey on playground equipment and other site features was open March 20, to April 14, 2024. It was promoted through a variety of channels, including:

    • Let’s Talk
    • City social media
    • MI Weekly
    • Mercer Island Preschool Association
    • Mercer Island School District

    The City received 164 responses, including 400 written comments about how community members use the small sport court at the park; interest in swings at the play area; and other feedback related to play preferences and site amenities. Highlights from the survey results are provided below.

    High-level summary of survey results compiled by Berger Partnership, the City's consulting partner for the First Hill Park Playground Replacement project.

    • 98% of respondents said their household does or will visit First Hill Park. Of those respondents, 55% have 5–12-year-olds at home and 45% have 2–5-year-olds.
    • A little less than half (48%) of respondents use the First Hill basketball hoop, while 39% said they use the sport court for rolling activities as biking, scooting, and skating; playing tag, catch, and four square; drawing with chalk; hosting community events; and other activities.
    • 50% of respondents supported repurposing the existing swing area to make room for new and unique play equipment at First Hill.
    • Respondents preferred curved slides to straight slides (69% to 12%) and overwhelmingly preferred open-top sliding to closed tube sliding (57% to 28%).
    • Community members gave great feedback on the two multi-level tower structures shown in the survey. Stay tuned for the release of the conceptual site plan, which will give more details about the preferred structure.

    Existing Conditions and Park Opportunities

    The graphic below shows the existing site conditions at First Hill Park.

    Existing conditions documented by Berger and the City.

    The play area and surrounding park space present many opportunities that Berger and the City are exploring for the conceptual site plan. Opportunities include:

    • Linking play elements with an accessible pathway throughout the site;
    • Taking advantage of gaps in the tree canopy to locate new play equipment;
    • Using the existing swing area to add new swinging experiences on the Island; and
    • Placing new seating throughout the park.

    What about the hillside slide?

    Many community members shared their love for the hillside slide at First Hill Park in the survey comments. Installed in 2002, this slide starts near the treehouse structure and sends users down the hillside along SE 32nd Street. To return to the main play area, sliders must walk up and around the park via SE 32nd Street and 72nd Avenue SE or scramble back up the hillside. This structure will be removed as part of this playground replacement given its age, accessibility challenges, and other issues. Berger and the City are exploring other play elements, such as climbing equipment, that would maintain the unique hillside play experience while promoting safer play with the existing topography.

    Park opportunities are identified in the graphic below and will inform the concept for the new play area that will be posted on Let’s Talk soon!

Page last updated: 25 Mar 2025, 03:18 PM