Mercerdale Playground Renovation Project
Consultation has concluded

Mercerdale Park playground ("Train Park") is now open! Note that crews will be finishing the final touches over the next few weeks, but the playground is available for use.
Playground Completion is Delayed until Spring
The Mercerdale Park playground equipment installation is delayed again. Continuing record cold weather has slowed site work and prevents us from installing the new playground surfacing until the weather cooperates. Dry weather and nighttime low temps that stay consistently above 45 degrees are key to the success of the rubber surfacing.
Last fall, manufacturing and supply chain issues delayed the arrival of equipment. Playworld, theContinue reading
Mercerdale Park playground ("Train Park") is now open! Note that crews will be finishing the final touches over the next few weeks, but the playground is available for use.
Playground Completion is Delayed until Spring
The Mercerdale Park playground equipment installation is delayed again. Continuing record cold weather has slowed site work and prevents us from installing the new playground surfacing until the weather cooperates. Dry weather and nighttime low temps that stay consistently above 45 degrees are key to the success of the rubber surfacing.
Last fall, manufacturing and supply chain issues delayed the arrival of equipment. Playworld, the manufacturer of the playground equipment, experienced a significant fire at their plant in early May. News story here. We received equipment in December, and our equipment is now installed.
Our partner, Mercer Island Preschool Association supported this project from the beginning. MIPA has contributed and raised over $54,000 for the project. Way to go MIPA!
Why is the City Replacing the Playground Equipment?
The existing playground is 19 years old, and the equipment is at the end of its useful life. The groundcover chips have also broken down and are clogging the drainage system. The level of the play surface will be raised to meet the top of the existing concrete edging to improve accessibility, but the edging, seating and landscaping will remain in place.
All Aboard! (Almost!)
Share All Aboard! (Almost!) on Facebook Share All Aboard! (Almost!) on Twitter Share All Aboard! (Almost!) on Linkedin Email All Aboard! (Almost!) linkThe iconic Mercerdale Playground train returns to Town Center!
Crews just finished the install. Check out our photos!
The train being craned in.
The train has landed.
Climbing Structure is going up!
Check out the latest on the installation schedule.
It's coming!
Share It's coming! on Facebook Share It's coming! on Twitter Share It's coming! on Linkedin Email It's coming! linkMercerdale play equipment is coming. Another supply chain shortage in the color powder coating has caused further delay, so the opening of the playground will likely be in early 2022. Here is an updated timeline:
- Site work is currently underway and expected to continue thru Thanksgiving.
- The new Mercerdale Train sculpture is scheduled to arrive early December.
- Mid-December the rest of the playground equipment is scheduled to arrive. Our team is actively working to push this to arrive earlier. With the foundation work currently happening, this should go together in about a week.
- Once the equipment is installed, the poured-in-place rubber surfacing will be applied. This is installation requires decent weather…not the storms we’ve been experiencing this fall. Let’s hope the Pineapple Express is done moving thru our area for the installation!
- Playground grass (synthetic grass) is scheduled to be installed near the end of December.
Demolition Underway
Share Demolition Underway on Facebook Share Demolition Underway on Twitter Share Demolition Underway on Linkedin Email Demolition Underway linkDemolition is underway at the Mercerdale Park Playground as crews prepare the area for the new playground equipment!
City crews are in the process of clearing out old materials to make way for the new playground equipment install at Mercerdale Park, slated for this fall.
Keeping it Green! Old wood chips from the existing playground will be recycled into mulch creating 200-250 cubic yards of mulch! This helps keep costs down and material out of the landfill. The mulch will be used across nearby public planter beds to conserve water, stimulate plant growth, and help control weeds naturally.
Construction Delayed until Fall
Share Construction Delayed until Fall on Facebook Share Construction Delayed until Fall on Twitter Share Construction Delayed until Fall on Linkedin Email Construction Delayed until Fall linkIn mid-May, the City Council approved the Mercerdale Park Playground Renovation project. Demolition began earlier this summer, with a goal of reopening the park in early fall. Unfortunately, Playworld, the manufacturer of the playground equipment, experienced a significant fire at their plant in early May, delaying the delivery of playground pieces.
Staff are pleased to report that the manufacturing lines have reopened and Playworld is working extended hours to catch up. Mercerdale Playground equipment is back in the production queue!
Crews are continuing to prepare the site for eventual delivery of the new playground equipment. Current delivery ship estimates are early October.
City Council Approves Playground Project
Share City Council Approves Playground Project on Facebook Share City Council Approves Playground Project on Twitter Share City Council Approves Playground Project on Linkedin Email City Council Approves Playground Project linkAt its May 18 meeting, the City Council approved the Mercerdale Park Playground Renovation project. The City Council amended the budget and formally accepted the generous donation of $20,000 from the Mercer Island Preschool Association (MIPA) for the improvements. The City again appreciates the assistance of the Parks and Recreation Commission in evaluating multiple design alternatives. To view the meeting presentation, click here.
City crews have begun site prep work by decommissioning most of the existing structures and removing them from the Park, except for the swings. After finalizing the design and ordering equipment, staff anticipate the new playground reopening in late summer 2021; the well-known train-themed play structure will be replaced sometime this fall.
Playground Designs are Certified as Inclusive
Share Playground Designs are Certified as Inclusive on Facebook Share Playground Designs are Certified as Inclusive on Twitter Share Playground Designs are Certified as Inclusive on Linkedin Email Playground Designs are Certified as Inclusive linkLet Kids Play! has determined that both playground options currently being considered for Mercerdale Park are Certified Inclusive according to its May 3 report. The report states, "Both of the designs do an excellent job of providing various physical, social and sensory experiences." Both designs offer seven out of eight types of physical play. Both designs engage the five sensory systems the analysis considers.
The report states, "Option 1 puts its challenge into climbing. That design's structure goes up to 96" with challenging climbers at the end of that structure.... On the other hand, Option 2 puts it challenge into spinning. The Double Cone Spinner is a wonderful piece."
A core tenet of inclusion is that the "Coolest Thing" at the playground is accessible to all. The train, a custom creation for Mercerdale, is identified as "the Coolest Thing." It states, " Every child can have a meaningful play experience, whether wheeling in to drive the train or climbing up to the top. The train offers physical, sensory and social experiences."
The Mercer Island Parks and Recreation Commission will be discussing both options at its meeting on May 6.
Playground Equipment to be Removed Early May
Share Playground Equipment to be Removed Early May on Facebook Share Playground Equipment to be Removed Early May on Twitter Share Playground Equipment to be Removed Early May on Linkedin Email Playground Equipment to be Removed Early May linkApr 27, 2021 - Project Update: The City's Certified Playground Safety Inspectors have recently reinspected the equipment and confirmed that most of it no longer meets standards and needs to be removed. In early May, City crews will begin site prep work by decommissioning most of the structures and removing them from the Park, except for the swings. After finalizing the design and ordering equipment, staff anticipate the new playground reopening in late summer. The well-known train-themed play structure will be replaced and updated, but since it is a custom piece, it will likely not be installed until sometime this fall.
April 14 Meeting Recap
Share April 14 Meeting Recap on Facebook Share April 14 Meeting Recap on Twitter Share April 14 Meeting Recap on Linkedin Email April 14 Meeting Recap linkAt the April 14 meeting, attendees expressed their preferences on a number of design choices using the Zoom meeting polling feature. Color, surfacing, structure height, climbing and spinning options were among the topics covered. This was followed by an open question and answer session with attendees. Polling results,xternal link, the the slideshow presentation, and Q&A notes are available on this page in the Documents Library. Archived meeting video is available on our YouTube Channel
The next step will be on May 6 when the Parks and Recreation Commission will review design choices that result from the input received April 14 and on this Let's Talk page. Written information will be available a week before the meeting on the City's meetings(External link) page.
Project Timeline
Project Initiation
Mercerdale Playground Renovation Project has finished this stage -
Public Meeting #1
Mercerdale Playground Renovation Project has finished this stageFebruary 8, 2021 Virtual Public Meeting
Let's Talk project page opens in March to collect written feedback
Public Meeting #2
Mercerdale Playground Renovation Project has finished this stageApril 14, 2021 Virtual Public Meeting
See the latest layout options, colors and selections of equipment. Ask questions and give us your input.
Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting
Mercerdale Playground Renovation Project has finished this stage -
City Council approval
Mercerdale Playground Renovation Project has finished this stageMay 18, 2021 City Council Virtual Meeting - view meeting video footage here.
Playground Under Construction
Mercerdale Playground Renovation Project has finished this stageSummer-Fall 2021
Project Complete
Mercerdale Playground Renovation Project is currently at this stageWinter 2022
Project Photos
Documents Library
Inclusive Playground Rating for Current Options.pdf (822 KB) (pdf)
Equipment and Layout Options.pdf (22 MB) (pdf)
Mercerdale Playground April 14 Presentation.pdf (14.4 MB) (pdf)
Public Meeting #2 Survey results.docx (95.7 KB) (docx)
April 14 Mercerdale Meeting QA Report.pdf (69.2 KB) (pdf)
Mercerdale Playground Presentation meeting #1.pdf (8.43 MB) (pdf)
- Why is the playground closed? Will it reopen soon?
- Is the new playground going to be bigger?
- Will there be a train in the new playground?
- Why are you proposing a rubber play surface? Isn't that toxic to children?
- Is the color scheme in the pictures what is going to be built?
- My kids love this playground. How can I help?
Who's Listening
Capital Projects and Planning Manager