Comprehensive Plan Periodic Review

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The WA State Growth Management Act (GMA) requires the City of Mercer Island to periodically review and update its comprehensive plan. The Comprehensive Plan is the City's statement of vision, goals, and policies for managing growth in a twenty-year timeframe. The primary focus of this periodic review is to update the Comprehensive Plan for the period of 2024-2044.

This project website will provide regular updates on the Comprehensive Plan periodic review process.

The WA State Growth Management Act (GMA) requires the City of Mercer Island to periodically review and update its comprehensive plan. The Comprehensive Plan is the City's statement of vision, goals, and policies for managing growth in a twenty-year timeframe. The primary focus of this periodic review is to update the Comprehensive Plan for the period of 2024-2044.

This project website will provide regular updates on the Comprehensive Plan periodic review process.

  • City Council Directs Staff for GMA/HB 1220 Compliance

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    At the October 1, 2024 regular meeting, the City Council directed staff to prepare an interim ordinance to amend Title 19 MICC to: (1) increase multifamily and mixed-use development capacity in the Town Center by raising the maximum building height from five to seven stories in the TC-5 and TC-4 Plus subareas and from four to five stories in the TC-4 subarea; (2) increase the required percentage of affordable housing in new development in Town Center from 10 percent to 15 percent; and (3) deepen the affordability requirement for affordable housing units in new development in Town Center from 60 percent to 50 percent of the area median income (AMI) for rental housing and from 90 percent to 80 percent of the AMI for ownership housing;

    The Council also directed staff to further evaluate an optional additional capacity buffer in the TC-3 subarea along 80th Ave SE north of SE 30th Street and bring this matter back to City Council for further discussion in 2025.

    The City Council will hold a public hearing and first reading of a draft ordinance based on this direction on November 4.

  • 2024 City Council Draft Comprehensive Plan Now Available For Public Review

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    The 2024 City Council Draft Comprehensive Plan is now available for public review! This important document will help shape the future of Mercer Island for the next 20 years, and we invite you to share your feedback. Please send comments on the 2024 City Council Draft Comprehensive Plan Elements to by Thursday, October 31, 2024. Your input will be compiled and included in the City Council packet for the November 4, 2024, meeting. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and working together to plan for the future of our community!

    The 2024 City Council Draft Comprehensive Plan Elements are available here:

  • City Council to Consider Options for GMA/HB 1220 Compliance

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    At the October 1 regular meeting, the City Council will review options for the City of Mercer Island to comply with new housing requirements enacted by the State Legislature through House Bill 1220. This bill established new requirements for cities and counties to address housing needs, such as increasing the number of housing units allowed per lot.

    The process to implement the changes brought by HB1220 spans several years. In 2023, the State Department of Commerce issued guidance for cities and counties on complying with HB 1220, followed by the King County Council’s adoption of Ordinance No. 19660 which amended the County’s policies to establish the number of affordable dwelling units needed to meet these new requirements.

    Once the State Department of Commerce’s guidance was issued, the City of Mercer Island prepared a Land Capacity Analysis Supplement which evaluated whether the City had sufficient land capacity to accommodate its assigned housing need from the updated King County policies. This analysis was presented to the City Council on January 2, 2024 and identified a capacity deficit of 143 dwelling units in multifamily and mixed-use zones. The City Council directed staff to evaluate options for accommodating this increased capacity requirement located in the Town Center (TC) and Commercial Office (CO) zoning districts.

    During this process, the City was also conducting its Comprehensive Plan Periodic Review as required by law – this review includes changes to housing policy. To avoid a situation where the City would finalize its Comprehensive Plan update before the changes brought forth by HB 1220 were fully established, in September 2024 the City Council paused review of certain parts of the Comprehensive Plan until more information was known. The Council provided staff with guidance and staff were then able to prepare options for compliance.

    The proposed options would both accommodate the multifamily and mixed-use housing capacity increase necessitated by HB 1220 only in the Town Center (TC) zoning district. Details on the two options are provided in AB 6548 - the October 1 agenda packet is available online.

    Council will provide direction at the October 1 meeting on which of the two options to move forward with. Staff will then draft a proposed ordinance to implement the changes approved by the Council – a public hearing will then be held with a first reading tentatively scheduled for November 19, 2024.

    You can learn more about the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Review process here on Let’s Talk.

  • Planning Commission Public Hearing - Open Space Zone

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    The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on September 25, 2024, at 6:00 PM regarding the proposed code amendment to establish the Open Space Zone development regulations and update the Zoning Map in the Mercer Island City Code (MICC). If the Planning Commission makes a recommendation, the City Council is scheduled to review the Planning Commission’s Open Space Zone recommendations regarding both the code amendment and Comprehensive Plan amendment in Q4 2024.

  • City Council Review - September 17, 2024

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    At its September 17 Regular Meeting, the City Council reviewed and approved the Ad Hoc Committee's recommendations as contained in Exhibits 1, 2, and 3 (AB 6541). Furthermore, the City Manager recommended three amendments to the Economic Development Element as outlined in Exhibits 3, 4, and 5 to AB 6541, which the City Council approved.

    Meeting Recording and Agenda Packet

    The City Council is scheduled to receive an update on House Bill 1220 Affordable Housing Capacity Compliance Options at its October 1 Regular Meeting.

  • City Council Review - September 3, 2024

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    At its September 3 Regular Meeting, City Council reviewed proposed Councilmember amendments (AB 6519) and directed staff to incorporate all approved amendments into the 2024 City Council Draft Comprehensive Plan and make this draft available for public review and comment for a period of not less than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the City Council completing the first reading of an adopting ordinance scheduled for November 5, 2024. Additionally, City Council took action to form an Ad-Hoc Committee comprised of Councilmembers Reynolds and Weinberg and Mayor Nice to work with staff to formulate recommendations on the proposed Economic Development Element amendments contained in Exhibit 1 as well as any other proposed amendments referred by the City Council. The Ad-Hoc Committee was directed to commence work immediately and present their recommendations to the full City Council at the September 17, 2024 Regular City Council meeting.

    Meeting Recording and Agenda Packet

  • City Council Review Planned for September

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    On July 16, the City Council was briefed on the Planning Commission recommended draft of the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Review (AB 6510). From July 29 to August 12, City Councilmembers individually provided proposed amendments to the Planning Commission recommended draft.

    The Councilmember proposed amendments were provided to the City Council on September 3 with Agenda Bill 6519. Beginning on September 3 and continuing to September 17, if needed, the City Council will consider the proposed amendments and provide direction to staff to prepare the 2024 City Council Draft Comprehensive Plan.

    The 2024 City Council Draft Comprehensive Plan will be available for public comments for at least 30 days beginning in October. The City Council is expected to discuss the public comments on the 2024 City Council Draft Comprehensive Plan beginning in November.

  • Planning Commission Recommendation

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    On June 12, 2024, the Planning Commission recommended adoption of amended Comprehensive Plan Elements to the City Council. Arriving at a recommendation to the City Council marks the end of the Planning Commission legislative review of the Comprehensive Plan goals and policies. This step in the process marks a major milestone in the Comprehensive Plan periodic review project that began when the City Council approved a scope of work in March 2022.

    There are still several steps remaining to complete the Comprehensive Plan periodic review:

    • The City Council will review the Comprehensive Plan update; a process that will include an initial briefing and two touches in advance of adopting the update by ordinance. The City Council will receive and initial briefing on the Planning Commission recommendation in July, currently planned for July 16. City Council meeting agendas are posted on the City website here.
    • the periodic review will include some development code amendments to implement the updated policies. The Planning Commission will begin review implementing development code amendments at its next scheduled meeting on September 25, 2024. Planning Commission meeting agendas are posted on the City website here.
    • The periodic review of the Comprehensive Plan including the implementing development code amendments must be adopted before December 31, 2024, the deadline set by the WA Legislature in the statewide Growth Management Act.

  • Open House Survey and Materials Now Available

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    The online survey and materials from the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Review Open House on May 1, 2024, are now available. Please click on the links below to take the online survey, see the poster boards, and review the slideshow presentation.

    Take the Online Survey Closes Monday, May 20 at 9:00am

    Poster Boards

    Slideshow Presentation

    Please submit any additional written comments to

  • Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update Open House - May 1, 6:00pm

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    A Community Open House has been scheduled for May 1, 2024 from 6:00-8:00pm at the Mercer Island Community and Events Center. This will be an opportunity to preview the draft amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and provide feedback to the City. Members of the Planning Commission as well as City staff and consultants will be in attendance to provide information on the work done to-date, the draft Comprehensive Plan elements and proposed substantial changes to the plan. Those in attendance will have the opportunity to ask questions, discuss topics of interest and provide feedback.

Page last updated: 02 Oct 2024, 04:00 PM