COVID-19 Community Resources

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This page is dedicated to the many resources available to the Mercer Island Community.

This page is dedicated to the many resources available to the Mercer Island Community.

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  • #OutThereForUs

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    Essential workers have been out there for us, now it's our turn to thank them. Submit a message of thanks using #OutThereForUs

    We've also set up a section to share notes of thanks or good news stories for our local heroes. Say thanks today!

  • Enjoying The Great Outdoors

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    Summer is here! Time to get outside and play - safely.

    Updated July 17: Mercer Island parks and trails, athletic fields and courts, the boat launch, P-Patch, dog park, skate park, and beaches are open for non-organized recreation!

    Continue to practice physical distancing in parks, on trails, and while boating.

    Remember, King County is in Phase 2 which only allows for gatherings of up to 5 people. Please keep your distance from others and avoid gatherings. Wear a mask when you can't maintain a distance of 6 feet from others.

    Consider visiting early in the morning when parks are much less crowded.

    With our limited staffing, City parks won’t look as maintained as you may be used to. You can help by following “pack it in, pack it out” practices.

    Remember, Safety First when playing in and around water.

    The MI Boat Launch and beaches are open. As you make your plans to get out on the water, please remember your water safety. Lake Washington is still COLD, and all swimmers and boaters should always wear a life jacket. (See below for more information.)

    Mercer Island beaches are not staffed with lifeguards.

    Many Federal, State, and County parks and trails are open.

    Here are a just few tips to help you and your family stay healthy while enjoying the outdoors:

    1. Plan ahead.
    2. Keep your distance.
      • Recreate with those in your household and up to 5 others.
      • Give others plenty of room, communicate who will step aside on the trail, and don’t forget that trail etiquette gives hikers coming uphill the right of way.
    3. Stay local.
      • Don’t stray too far from home when recreating.
      • Help keep rural communities safe by minimizing stops and bringing all that you’ll need for your outing.
    4. Play it safe.
      • Keep your activities within your comfort and skill level to reduce the risk of injury and adding to the strain on our health care and emergency services.
    5. Leave no trace.

    Some of the ways we recreate have changed in the era of COVID-19, but don't worry - there are plenty of resources to help you navigate you favorite pastimes. Check out the links below:

  • Updated: Free Vaccination Clinics in Kent on October 7 and 17

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    Flu vaccine should be considered “essential” this year.

    While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect our daily lives, autumn brings with it another unwanted visitor – the flu. The presence of both viruses could put more people in the hospital and strain Washington’s health care system. While we don’t yet have a vaccine to prevent COVID-19, we do have one to prevent flu. State health experts want you to take action.

    Public Health – Seattle & King County is organizing two drive-thru clinics at the ShoWare Center in Kent on Wednesday, October 7 and Saturday, October 17 (previously October 10) in collaboration with the Seattle Visiting Nurse Association (SVNA) and the Kent School District.

    They'll offer all vaccines required for K-12 school entry (Hep B, Varicella, Polio, MMR, Tdap, DTaP plus flu vaccine to kids ages 4-18). All vaccinations will be provided at no cost and available to all kids regardless of insurance status. SVNA will be providing adult flu (at no cost to uninsured and underinsured community members).

    The clinics are open to all King County residents.

    For more info visit the Find a Vaccination Clinic webpage.

  • September is Suicide Prevention Month

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    Everyone has a role in suicide prevention.

    In observance of National Suicide Prevention Month, Washingtonians are asked to #BeThe1 to help prevent suicide. Vigilance is especially important this year due to the increased stress, anxiety, and depression people may be experiencing with COVID-19.

    Normalizing conversation around mental health helps break stigma. That’s why we’re asking everyone to be the one to be present, supportive, and strong for those who may be going through a difficult time.

    Following the LEARN Model Steps can help everyone identify the steps they can take to offer support:

    • Learn to recognize the warning signs.
    • Empathize with the person you’re concerned about and listen to what they say.
    • Ask them if they are thinking about suicide. It’s okay to ask someone directly.
    • And if they say yes, they are, remove the danger – the method they’re thinking of using.
    • Help them with next steps, such as calling or texting a crisis line.

    If you are in crisis or having thoughts of suicide, or if someone you know is in crisis, call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255 or chat online. Confidential support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. For support via text on the Crisis Text Line, start a conversation by texting “HEAL” to 741741.

    Additional suicide prevention resources:

  • Disaster Ready Washington Webinar on July 21

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    Disasters don't wait. You shouldn't either.

    Disasters don't wait just because we're in the middle of one. We need to be prepared for anything, at all times. The Washington Emergency Management Division is hosting a public preparedness webinar on July 21 to talk about how to prepare for all hazards during COVID-19.

    The event is free, taking place from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., on Tuesday, July 21.

    Topics include financial preparedness, mental health support, online safety and about strategically shopping, not over-buying.

    Follow this link for more information.

  • We Need Your Help!

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    Please enjoy the parks responsibly.

    The sunny days and warm weather are perfect for enjoying one of the Island's many parks. A lot of folks have the same idea which has led to crowded parks, beaches, and overflowing garbage cans.

    We need your help!

    On July 30, the City made the difficult decision to close Groveland Beach Park in an effort to minimize the frequent large gatherings that have been occurring at the park for several weeks. The City of Kirkland had to take the same action. If you arrive at a crowded park, please find an alternate location. Plan ahead.

    Additionally, significant amounts of trash are straining very limited parks maintenance staffing. Staff spent 16 hours cleaning up garbage in Luther Burbank Park on one weekday. Please pack out your garbage!

    Most park amenities elsewhere on Mercer Island continue to remain open. The City asks all park patrons to comply with social distancing and mask rules, pack out picnic garbage, and consider exploring our lesser-known park locations.

    Here are a few tips to help you enjoy the outdoors safely:

    1. Plan ahead.
      • It might not be what you planned, or convenient, but be prepared to go somewhere else if your destination is crowded.
    2. Keep your distance.
      • Recreate with those in your household and up to 5 others.
      • Give others plenty of room.
    3. Pack it in, Pack it out!
      • Take all garbage with you including disposable face masks and gloves.
      • If you are so inclined, bring an extra garbage bag and help pick up any extra trash you find that someone else left behind.

    Make sure to add hand sanitizer and extra masks to your 10 Essentials and check out this helpful article about wearing your face covering properly.

    Details on what’s open can be found at:

  • Mercer Island Thrift Store

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    The Mercer Island Thrift Store is closed until further notice.

    Please do not drop donations in Thrift Shop bins located throughout the community or at the storefront location. We look forward to receiving your donations when were open to the public for business.

  • Past Event: Art Contest

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    Ready. Set. Go create!

    All Mercer Island children, youth, and young adults are invited to create a visual art piece to promote mental health awareness.

    May is Mental Health Awareness Month and the City's Healthy Youth Initiative and the Mercer Island High School Minds Matter Club have partnered to sponsor the 2020 "Be Kind to Your Mind" art contest.

    Share your artistic talents and be a part of inspiring members of the Mercer Island community to "be kind to your mind."

    All entries must include:

    1. "Be Kind to Your Mind" slogan
    2. Acknowledgement of Mental Health Awareness Month

    All forms of visual art are accepted.

    Two winners will receive a $50 gift card to Island Books and their work will be featured in local publications. All participants will be entered to win a $25 gift card.

    Entry deadline is May 31. Submit your art to

  • Past Event: Teens and Mental Health - Things Parents Need to Know about Alcohol, Cannabis, and Other Drugs

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    High school years and graduation can be a tumultuous time during a good year, let alone during a pandemic. Join us for a special virtual event to learn how to help successfully launch the teen in your life into adulthood.

    On Tuesday, June 30 at 5:30pm, Dr. Jason Kilmer from the University of Washington will be joining the MIYFS team for a virtual event “Parenting Beyond (and During) High School: The Top Ten Things Parents Need to Know about Alcohol, Cannabis and Other Drugs.” Especially targeted to graduating senior students and their families, this presentation will be applicable to all youth and families in their teenage and young adult years.

    Parents play an important role in helping young people healthfully launch into adulthood, and Dr. Jason Kilmer will share his research and experience at the University of Washington regarding specific steps families can take during this crucial transition.

    If you have a specific question or concern you would like addressed in the presentation, please email These questions will be kept anonymous, and will be used to tailor this presentation to the Mercer Island community.

    Visit to register for this online event.

  • Congrats Class of 2020!

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    Congratulations graduates! You did it!

    We know your senior year and graduation looked very different from what you imagined, but your accomplishment is no less significant. You should be proud, we certainly are!

    From the entire staff at the City of Mercer Island, here's to a bright, bright future!

    Well done!